
Dec 07, 2008 19:43

Today I took some members of my covenant group to a buddhist service as sort of a learning experience. Results were good...they want to go again to a more populated service to get the full effect. It answered some of the questions they had that I was unable to answer so that was great. I enjoyed the chanting part, and may do that again, but wasn't interested in hanging around for the rest of things at all. Sort of reaffirmed that part of me.

I snagged my minister today after service to talk with her about an email I had sent on ministry... lately I've been pondering where I see my life going down the road and 'healing minsitry' always pops up. This just made me have more questions as I have no idea where to go with that now that I've identified it. Hence the email to m'minister. She read it on her phone and so forgot to answer when she got home/to the office. So we're making plans to chat. Hopefully it's fruitful.
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