"I didn't know they had Marks and Spencer’s in Italy! In 1919!”

Mar 08, 2004 14:05

Hay how is everyone;

well if you are wondering about the madness that is my subject, that’s my lecture craziness and me! My lecturer Dave was talking about Mussolini and he was talking about how the fascists wore black short and he said something long the lines of "Mussolini, went down to marks and Spencer’s and brought a load of black shirts because they were selling them off cheep, and dressed his gang in them and called them selves the fascist" and my reply was (to my mates) "I didn't know they had Marks and Spencer’s in Italy! In 1919!” we all found my sharpness v.funny; unfortunately it wasn't Sean Bean sharpness, which would have been so much more fun.

Okay so about the madness and badness that was Saturday. Me and my mates who I went to school with and who 2 of them when to a different college and never see were having our first monthly get together, we decided to go to the metro centre and see a picture. We decided on Uptown girl, which was okay! I got a new top and what not, and a prezzy for Cheny, because she is brilliant and deserves it, even if she says she didn’t. Paid a bit too much for lunch!!!!!! But hay it happens!!!!! Good thing I am getting paid on Thursday. Then it came to the v.expensive ride home (train are exstonioist) me and my mate Susan got into this big fight, we hurt each other physically and mentally, we were both pretty mean, okay very mean. And we ended up not talking to each other. Well I wasn’t fussed but it hard to talk to some one when they won’t talk to you. Then with the tears and the badness and the embarrassment of the being made to make up in the middle of Sunderland. And me with hyperness and the fact that I didn’t care about what they though any more! I was being complete insane me who I only really relished around my mates form drama, so I was what the word oh yes embarrassing them! Hay they made us make up in the middle of Sunderland, I was going to get Nina and Victoria back and that’s how I did it and I didn’t care nay more!! So I went home and ranted and had an early night.

So Sunday got up and watched angel, ***spoiler waning, if you do;t want to knwo what happened look way now******** which was okay but the last, 5 mins were amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have brought back Lindsey. I was like wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***** end spoiler**** That so woke me up I was asleep during mist of it, and then I cleaned my room! I know shock horror. I was made to!!! I then went to work and I had a lovely surprise I wasn’t working till 11 I was only working till 9, well any one could mistake 2300 for 2100, well I do.

I have to go now, as I have to go to ICT lessons

work, susan, shopping

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