tonight was... ugh!
Had a fight with Carlos.. I'm so pissed off at him. He is not a victim, and it is ALWAYS about him. Fucking hell, and he is never wrong, nor can he accept what I say, he simply MUST contest it to make him sound righteous. What the fuck ever.
On the other hand!
koningin is keeping me fabulous company. We're talking about everything and I'm sending him many songs, so it's quite achable. I ache for it! And when I go to melbourne, he is going to come and stay very often, which is my suki. YAY! I can prance around with James with scarves and platforms and cold weather. Ahh.. I miss Melbourne. I really can't wait to get back there, and to make it my home again. Brisbane fucked it's last chances to keep me. So? I'm fucking it off. And will I return? Yes. To see various fabulous people.. but like ugh!
Ra ra ra.