☢ THE SELF-INSERT MEME Okay okay okay. Also, while I was gone, I got a bunch of icons for that one icon meme.
❶ Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
➋ Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
➌ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
➍ This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I guess I'll do this. :| If you guys want.
: It's a whale. With headphones on. I was just browsing an animal icons community and I found this, and hell, what's not cool about that? Plus, it's a nice chill, happy icon. ♥
: I LOVE ZOMBIE COMBIIIIIIII. With the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns! And this is... zombie combi being dorky together, Hidan his usual obnoxious self and Kakuzu being long-suffering. It made me laugh, and it's cute, so it became one of my icons.
: Long long ago Invader Zim was my main fandom, it was my gateway fandom to writing fanfiction and the fanfic scene in general and fanart and slash and all that shit. Kind of strange, huh? Anyway, Dib and Zim were my favorites for a long time, and I didn't have much interest in Tak. BUT ONE DAY, I decided to submit an application at the IZ stamping community, and I was stamped... as Tak! This result was totally out of left field to my eyes, but it actually made me become more interested in her (lol) and I started writing fanfic for her, and ended up really liking her. LOL. I don't know if we're that alike, but I do consider her a really fun character and I like her a lot.
: A random stranger made this icon for me, which was kind of flattering, lol! Anyway, I just make fun of Hidan sometimes by... calling him Snuffmuffin. ♥ Because it's pretty much what he is.
: I love Shiki and Neku. I admit it. And I ship it too, I CONFESS. Ffff. And this icon was just... gorgeous. Originally got it for my Shiki account
destructoplush, but then decided that I wanted it for my own as well.
: HAHAHA ANIMORPHS JOKE. The Evil Overlord list should be easy enough to find on google (/is so lazy >>;). It's a long list of guidelines for... aspiring evil overlords! Things not to do, and so on. And for those of you who read the series... Visser 3 was not the most... competent villain. alwkjflkej. The icon came from the
animorphs comm, because people were making up these long lists of things that the Animorphs would not to... I'll have to dig it up it was HILARIOUS skldjflksdjf. Anyway, this one just made me... laugh so hard. So I have the icon. :>
: Namineeeee. Is so cute. And I love her. >___> Okay this might be a product of my also really loving sweet, innocent little things that chill out with bad guys, and... yes. :') I'm very shallow, I also love pretty things, and I thought this icon was very pretty.
: It's pretty... yet again... ALSO THIS MOFO IS FROM BOTI. I have a lot of Blade icons, it's pretty much my favorite series, and I like Magatsu a lot - he's funny and interesting and surprisingly moe sometimes. And a badass at other times. He shakes it up, and I like that. ♥
: I just liked... the color scheme here. Tan and red. And Tsunade. Yeah.
: This is an icon of Rin from one of Samura's covers, for a BOTI 'one shot' chapter.
Here is the large image, and... gawd. I just think it's the most gorgeous thing. The braids, her face, the shading... everything. I'm not going to say what was happening in this chapter. >:| You're just going to have to
read it.
Oh, and
frogginator made that icon for me! :) Nice job, huh?
kalorii gave me five words to talk about, too. DAMN GIRL.
Rin - MY GIRL. The heroine of Blade of the Immortal, and one of my favorite female characters ever ever ever in my fannish history. Seriously, Rin is great, fuck the haters. She's clever and bratty and sweet and genuinely a nice girl, and she's really kind of crazy too, if we're honest. XD And she has a great character arc - BotI in many ways is about Rin growing up and becoming the person she's going to become. She's not the greatest fighter in the series but she is what ties that series together and she manages to sway people anyway, and I love her completely.
Blade of the Immortal - It's been some years now since I started reading this series. I only vaguely remember standing in the bookstore in... my eighth-grade year, I think? And reading a bunch of the volumes all at once. I did not start with book one; I picked up On Silent Wings and immediately fell in love with the way Anotsu and Rin interacted and spoke to each other (I was shipping hero/villain from an early age |D), and from there... lol, it was no turning back. I really love this manga.
Role-play - Um, it's actually
hello_scorpling's fault that I started rping at all! This was with Rin at
paradisa, near the end of my freshman year of college. She was playing Doa and was trying to persuade me to play Rin with her. It took months and months of convincing XD but... eventually I apped, after Ingrid had entirely given up hope on me, and was accepted as Rin. Honestly, I started out very slow and shy, and it was sort of difficult to take a girl from an obscure manga and... well, I don't know - I loved Rin, but it was hard to get her involved. But that was pretty much how it started, just as a lark because one of my favorites wanted to play with me. ♥
Peru - First visited the country in high school, between my sophomore and junior years with a school tour group and with my mom. That was my tourist run - it's a great place, really, in spite of the things that irritate me. There is so much fascinating culture and history here, and it really is an incredible place to visit. I would go back again for sure.
Hidan - Haha. XD ZOMBIE COMBIIII. I can't really decide between them; I love them both for really different reasons, but Hidan seemed like he'd be easier to play, so I went with him. :) And he turned out to be a really fun, gregarious douchebag when I got him going; he really loved to piss people off. I'm giving him a break for a while, but he is just too hilarious and I adore him. ♥