Have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy arts lately. Beautiful. Very simple language, ice leaves stone and earth. The striking, simple impermanence of the things he makes, how simple they look and how much effort they take to create, stuns me. The beauty of light shining through a leaf, icicles frozen together into a spiral, arches made of stone and left for the tide to dissemble... there's something really zen about his works. Transcendent. I am in love. I could look at those photos all day.
We've had a cold snap for a few days... it was twenty below at noon today. D| LOL, I kind of love it, really... the dramatic Alaskan conditions feed my creative spirit. I swear they do. I love wind, snow, rain, cold... the long, languid summer days... I love bitching about it sometimes too. The only thing about winter I don't really like is the freaky roads, which I am having to deal with now that I am driving... thank goodness for studded tires.
Have 13,419 words of original fic. Should I post it? Where should I post it? Would anyone even be interested in reading?
Got three really lovely Yuletide fics. Two Tortall, one BotI (Anotsu/Rin! Thank you so much
liriaen! ♥ ♥ ♥).
New Moon on Monday - Funny, lovely Anotsu/Rin. Rin really steals the show here, as ever; pouting, laughing, being a sixteen-year-old girl, being wrathful, being a brat. Such a strong voice (as always,
Fine Nighttime Logicians - Tortall, the Daine and Rikash fic I've been waiting for all my life. Snarky, funny, gorgeously sensuously written. This fic is really beautiful you guys ♥
Softie - Tortall, more Daine and Rikash snark. So cute, so funny, really feels like it could've been a missing scene from the books. Oh, Rikash, you ARE a big softie.
I felt really lucky for this Yuletide. :)
Also there was a young bull moose in our yard the other night... some photos under the cut. And some shots of the mountains.
That one is the best one.
My homeland. The view of the mountains from the hill over my house ♥
And again ♥ ♥