Wahh, so... have you guys seen
madame_manga's spoiler scans for the latest BOTI chapter?
Part 1 /
Part 2 I'm afraid my gut reaction is very simple and full of fail, mostly consisting of me wailing "RUH-RUH-RIIIIIIIIIIIN" and hoping that someone gets her out of that, or she gets out of that, very very quickly. Oh gawd, look at her face... D'8> My poor baby! SHE NEEDS HELP...
ETA: Also, in regards to my self-indulgent angst post, I'm feeling somewhat better lately, and beginning to realize that it's probably not an emotional state I feel completely up to revisiting, even to just respond to people's comments - thank you, SO MUCH, to everyone who commented with support and advice, but responses will be slow and possibly in some cases nonexistent. I don't want to bottle things up so much that it's unhealthy, but I don't want to wallow either. Thanks again though. I really, truly appreciate your words.