Title: Club Activities
Pairing: In no particular order: Koichi/Ryo, Koichi/Uchi, TsuKo, Koichi/Daigo, Koichi/Machida, TakkiKoichi, KoichiNagase
Rating: R-NC-17 (though not really graphic)
Genre: romance, humour, lots of sexy times
Disclaimer: I don't own them or anything else JE-related. But the story is mine of course^^
Summary: If there is something like a Frustrated-sex-life Therapy-Club, Koichi for sure won’t be a member of it.
Note: This was written for
yoru_no_hikaru as a belated birthday present :D I hope you'll enjoy it!!
If there is something like a Frustrated-sex-life-therapy-Club, Koichi for sure won’t be a member of it.
The more he is surprised that Tsuyoshi is…)