[FIC] Lucky Charm (Bring me Love) - Chapter 5: My Life with Myself

May 25, 2012 23:11

Pairing: KinKi Kids
Other characters: Nagase Tomoya, MA, 4U, Uchi Hiroki, KAT-TUN mainly
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just love them ^^
Setting: AU
Warnings: Bit angsty. Itsi-bitsi-tiny bit.

Notes: Yays, update. :D  Somehow this was finished before any of my other pieces, so I'll share it now, while working on the rest. Somehow it feels like this is the missing part of the last chapter. I hope you're gonna enjoy it. I want to dedicate this one to yuuri_funkasy to bring her a little bit of joy during her finals. All the best to you. ^_^

Intro: Koichi finds himself in a messed-up situation. But how do you deal with such a situation? Is it possible to mess with something that's already messed up? Is it okay to just go for it, when you're the person it's about, but it's not really your own life? And on top of all of that, what do you do when you're feeling lonely and you long for love? Let's find out...

“You do like him,” Koichi whispered. )

g: romance, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi, r: pg, g: au, g: angst, l: multi chapter, g: drama

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