Pairing: KinKi Kids
Characters: to be revealed later
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Don't own the JE boys (duh!), but OCs are mine and I created the story
Setting: AU
Warnings: Creepy, language
Notes: FINALLY!!!!! ^o^ I'm so sorry, I was really sick and had to stay in bed. BUt now I'm back and I'm updating this one first. :D I'm also working on Love in the Phi and LE, though, so look forward to mroe updates soon. ^^ I hope you enjoy Tsuyoshi's first appearance. ^^
Intro: After a first introduction, Ryo finds a good working routine in his training under Koichi's. Then, however, on an actually unspectacular job, they get confronted with something they have both never faced before: A hunter...
“But…” Ryo stuttered. “How is it he can see me?” )