[FIC] LOVE in the Phi - Hand 3: Last Tile

Jul 08, 2011 23:25

Pairing: KinKi Kids
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own the JE boys (duh!), but OCs are mine and I created the story
Warnings: Bad language mainly

Notes: I'm so sorry, I took forever and I've been away entirely for days. My working schedule was killing me. Basically I got home for sleeping. As long as I could keep my eyes open, I wrote this little something. Except for Tuesday when I had my night off with B.A. ^^ Anyway, I'm so happy this is finally finished. I hope lilly0 will forgive me for taking so long and being away. *gives lilly big hug* But it's really yukitsubute 's fault, because thanks to her the story had to be re-written in my head. *hugs yuki for lending me her muse* Well, I hope you'll like it.

Intro: Kajima doesn't get anywhere with his investigation and decides to try a new path. Koichi doesn't exactly like that, but he's much too busy with his issue concerning Uchi to really attend to that. But then, maybe Koichi's got a secret of his own?

“Hiro’s having an affair,” Ryo suddenly blurted out. )

c: member: news, c: member: kanjani8, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi, c: member: kat-tun, c: member: juniors, g: angst, l: multi chapter, r: pg-13, g: drama

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