I have always been a bit disconnected from the things that were/are happening in the world. For some reason Hate was alwas some that I knew was there but didn't see. Didn't know it. Didn't really believe it was there. Sorta like air.....you know it's there but you can't see it (yea you know what I'm trying to say and yes I don't really think air exists). Well it all became really tangible for me today. I'm on youtube looking up the japanese national anthem, because I realized I've never heard it all the way through....anyway I'm there and I start reading the comments. They made me want to throw up!! I mean I was so ashamed to even live on the same earth as they people. We are all humans. scientifically we all came from Africa. We are all equal under the energy or being(s) that rule over us, no matter where we are from, the color of our skin, or the religion we practice. Seriously there was some really fucked up shit written by everyone. even by the....dare I say it?.....JAPANESE!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway yea It bothered me so mush I had to right about it.
here's the link if you want to read this crack shit I'm tripping on.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=fWnUby6ShU4&feature=related yea It made me so mad I cursed and if you really know me you know I don't do that alot. lol
Let me see what other stuff can I get out of the way in this entry?.....PRESIDENTS!!! I have no Idea who I'll vote for. I want someone who can get this war over with, and be strong enough to take on all the weight that comes with the role of Pres. Someone who won't bend to what other countries think we should be, but still be sensitive to them, so maybe the world will stop hatin on us. I would vote for Obama, but IDK what was with his preacher? you can't listen to that stuff for years and then suddenly say you disagree. that makes no sense. you stay if you agree and you leave to find someone you do agree with if you don't. And he's really young for a pres you know. Although that could be good, but it means less experience. what did he do like 1 term as senator? or something like that? And the republican in me would choose McCain, but I really don't know that much about him expect what my Gram says. I don't want my Gram's views obscuring mine. Although I did hear he stayed as a prisoner of war even though he had a chance to get out. but he stayed with his men. I don't know how true this is but if it is it definitely puts points up for him! I like that. very strong. Even though he is old lol I think I'm going to research them a bit more. hopefully there are places that won't give me a skewed out look on them.
Ummmmm......summer school is going really REALLY well. I got my grades back for my midterm test and my class grade. My midterm was 72 and my over all class grade was 85. Holy Shit...oops I mean Holy Jesus poo-poo!! Thats amazing. I had an F all freaking school year!? There are two reason for this.....#1: the time in which we have to learn this stuff is small and that means less time for me to forget and #2: I got my health care stuff so I got my ADHD meds back! YAY!! I can pay attension tons better. I'm alway surprised at how much it helps me.
I'm looking for a second job. The stupid cleaning job I have now pays hourly. The thing is it's like at the max 2 hours a day! I thats if I work really slow. I'm getting nothing. I need money. I have phone bills to be paid, and well as paying for japanese lessons online, martial arts, and making sure I have money for bus fare and pocket change.....and japan next year! So I'm really trying to ditch this job. Tomorrow I'm going to bike ride down and put in an applications for a vietnamese restaurant call Mamasan's. My uncle knows the owners. maybe he can pull some string for me???
OK I think I'm done for tonight/morning. I should really go to be earlier seeing as I wake up at 6:30 on weekdays. lol
jyaa mata ne minna-san,
~SIN~ PS I love all ya'll