Save my dog

Jan 10, 2007 08:21

I'm just reposting what I posted in myspace in hopes of getting someone. By tomorrow, Keiko may be put to sleep just because she doesn't have anyone to watch her for a few weeks/months. I was going through HARP, but I can't find a foster home. If anyone knows anyone, please tell me. I'm getting so stressed that I've been having anxiety attacks all week. I keep trying to talk to Daniel, but he has his own issues he has to deal with. I feel like everyone else doesn't really care. @_@;

Before x-mas my mom got rid of our dog. She made up some story aboutgiving it back to the original owner to make more puppies. Come to findout recently, after a huge argument with my brothers, she actually gaveher up to the animal shelter because she didn't want to deal with heranymore. Now that would be fine because she's a cute dog and all, butwe just went to visit her and because she's anti-social and protectiveof only my family she barks and won't let anyone touch her at theshelter. Most likely, because they don't want to risk dealing with herfor adoptions, they'll put her to sleep.

Please, if there is any possibility of anyone just watching her for afew weeks to a few months until HARP has room for her to foster, pleasereply to this bulletin.

I have all the money to get her out of the shelter and I'm willing tohelp in anyway to help provide for her, my apartment just won't allowdogs, my parents are crazy, and I have where else to put her. Pleasehelp if you can.

I know I'm reaching, but I really do hope someone outthere can help, or can at least pass this on to someone that might beable to.

To update, Keiko is out of the shelter, but she still has no place togo. I haven't found anyone. I called just about every animal rescueprogram in this area, but they are either claiming they have too manyanimals already, have some waiting period, or don't have any fosters atall. H.A.R.P is willing to help, but I can't do anything unless she hassomewhere to stay. My parents refuse to take her back. Hell, my dadeven called the police when we came back with the dog and said we wereintruders. So there is no way she can stay with them. Keiko iscurrently in a kennel that costs $18 a night and she can't stay thereany longer/

Please, if there is anyone out there that can help, or knows someoneplease contact me. You don't have to keep her. I'm doing all I can tofind her a home. I just need someplace where she can stay for a whileuntil I can find it.

I'm posting pictures on my myspace now so people knows what she looks like.
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