(no subject)

May 19, 2006 02:28

wtf, I don't get Raley's... I mean, if I'm with someone that's my problem.... If I'm without them, that's my problem too. It's like, ok... Where is all this drama coming from? Someone assumed that just because I didn't eat lunch with D, all this shit is happening. Oo;; And I'm like, wtf. lol, I was just amused that someone would freak out about something as little as that, that wasn't even true, so I let them believe it... And it just bit me back. x_x; I can't win!

We didn't get to start cleaning until 7:30... And even then, we were focused on the rotisseries and the slicer, which was suppose to be done hours before... We basically had to do 4 hours of work in 2... So give us a break people. Especially with this shit about how management doesn't want overtime. wtf? Craig says that he'd gladly pay overtime if we're dealing with customers all day like that, and still I hear shit about, no more overtime or we'll get written up and stuff. What am I suppose to do?! It's like, I leave the deli looking like shit, or get in trouble for getting overtime. What kind of crap is that? So I told Ott we needed overtime, and he's like, "What?!" but then was all like take all the time we need. But I'm all freakin' out because the day before Brian was all, "I can't allow overtime, they don't allow overtime. You're just gonna have to hustle." And I'm like... ok, wtf. So I have that in my mind. I told Ott we'd only take 10 min. 10 min go by. We got pretty much everything done. Looked all right. Trusted Tina to do the outside. She said she finished everything. So she sprayed everything down. Didn't bother to check, cuz uh.. she's been there for a few weeks now. I told her to double check everything before, so I figure she did. I guess we missed something. Today they all freaked out saying the whole deli was dirty. I'm sorry, if it's just the handle to the rotisserie, some bits on the slicer, and the microwaves that is not the whole freakin' deli. Give me a damn break. But they acted like it. They even told me that the Deli could be closed down for that.

And then there's all this crap associated with it. Like I broke up and was all out of it b/c of that and the fact that he was working that night too. Where the heck did that come from? Just because you don't eat lunch with someone? >.< who the heck said that? And then Tina was saying she told them that she did the slicers because she did.. And she didnt' feel like it was fair and she accepted the blame... But then I hear she was trying to say she only did the one on the far right... And it sounded like she was trying to blame me. wtf? So now I gotta e-mail Tina on myspace and let her know what's going on and straighten all this.

Geez, I'm really hating this job. Even now, that I'm moving up, it just means they can pin point the blame on me. Oh they're new, give so it's not their fault. Well, dammit, not mine either. They were trained, it's not my job to clean up after them. I thought having two closers until 9:30 would be good. But it's not different. In fact, it's worse. I kinda want to just move on and wash my hands from this job. Especially when they're constantly mixing my personal life with work... I dont' do it people. Stop acting like I do because you want to... I just wanna do my freakin' job. Leave me alone. And they wonder why I don't smile anymore. Would you smile if you had to deal with all that? I don't think so.
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