Nov 29, 2006 00:19
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
Down to the wire now.
Im anxious but I dont know why.
Im not sleepy and there is no place Im going to.
AHA! Caught you with that one didnt I?
Of course I could wave a penny in front of you retarded bastards and youd get distracted you're all worthless and ignorant but its fine by me. Just as long as you dont fuck with my life and you keep your stupidness out of sight.
But its VERY hard to hide stupid.
Which is very apparent on the faces of many of you sorry fucks.
My wish is to one day designate a state for the stupid where they can live in harmony and peace. We, the elite and educated, can harvest the stupid people for organs and bloods when need be, assign them menial labor tasks. We can keep them occupied with playstations and sidekicks and hollisters and other expensive whatchamahaveits of today that they find so interesting.
Today Intelligence is looked upon as a disease.
People take pride in not reading or being ditzy.
What a terrible world we live in.
Fuckings pigs/swine
I want to live in Boston.
Do these words make sense?
I miss doing drugs.