Mini Rants by Jorge

Dec 12, 2008 00:06

  • 00:36 Must wake in 4 hours then drop off Cristina's sub-supplies, get copies made, turn in midterm, write do-now work, grade and plan. I'm fucked.
  • 00:44 Just laid back down SMACK into the metal headboard. it was like an aluminum baseball bat upside the head. I bet it leaves a bump. :(
  • 12:43 Vocabulary Jeopardy! is a resoundingly HUGE success! I'm totally going to use powerpoint to make games more often!
  • 23:22 Bed time. come to me, sweet sleep and knock me out. tomorrow, I must go to bed early, for I wake up at 4 am saturday to go to busch gardens!
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