the standard headline is

May 21, 2009 18:12

it's been a while. i start every post with that. Wow. What a year. I think I officially survived my (first?) mid-life crisis. Not that I didn't come out unscathed. I sure am thinking a lot differently these days, most probably because of it.

Anyway. I'm going to use this time wisely. How? By giving you the super condensed, easy (as in I'm leaving out a lot of tough, tough shit) version of my last year.

As I sit here with Lucy on my side, I'm reminded of its owner, the amazing roommate I currently reside with. Man, we've both helped each other out a hell of a lot over the past four months. They've been pretty messy. We talked about it in the car on the way to kickball one day; damn...we know that we can pretty much share anything with each other, and only want to share it with them at times. I guess it helps when you both are going through the same kinda thing. Thank god for Ali. And Lucy. And Malachi.

Kickball. Wow. What a trip. Spring season was a total snoozer. I wasn't playing on a team that I liked by any means, and it showed. Hey, at least I got through the first season sans injury of months-long proportion. What it did bring about, though, were more parties and get togethers in which the summer-time crew realigned. But I just don't know about it this year. It's weird. We've all grown in one way or another. We're all different people. Still fun, just...not sure how into it i'm going to be. Plus, of course, there are attendees of whom I could just as soon never see again among the crowd. That doesn't help. Thank goodness Ali and I made a close bond with Kyle, Shannon, and Shannon's reptile experience. They're always good times....old dependables.

Main season's going to be weird too. Most of the ones I loved played on my team last year. This year, we're all...split up. Lisa and Liv to the Ninjas. Ali's playing Indies. Bender to Aloha Friday. Billy stayin on Commandos, and Barb and I to the GrAss Stains. It's going to be hard to enjoy everyone's company, that's for sure, but perhaps it'll goad everyone in to staying on the field to watch each other's games. Lord knows I'll be there til the bitter end every week. It's deeper than that, though - we're all really good friends, but this just seems to be a real-life example of the fact that our lives are moving apart. I dunno, though. I suppose we'll see how it goes. I do know that it finds me missing old friends (Adam, Chris, Adam, Jenn, Jamie) even more. I wish I could see all of them more often.

I've lost a shit-ton of weight. Ali and I attempted low carb for a good two months. I stuck too it, Ali not so much, but ended with her 10 and I 20 pounds down. Right now I'm doing a mix of protein shakes in the morning and for lunch, with pretty much what I want for dinner, and am maintaining. I'm looking at getting a home gym for the basement, but find myself out of room what with ping pong, the dart area, and the air hockey table. I could probably squeeze it somewhere down there, though.

I pulled out of about a six month super-harsh funk just recently. I'd pinpoint it...ahhh, approximately a month ago or so. As a matter of fact, it was probably one of the recent parties we held that really pronounced it. And I'm happier. And I don't look at every day as a fucking task anymore. Thank god. I needed it. I still definitely have room to improve, but I'm sure it will come. I have plenty to look forward to, and really do find myself looking forward to it. Lose about 10 more pounds. Pay off some debt. Enjoy the summer. Find myself one of the few that still has a job. Find a boyfriend - ah, I'm really looking forward to that one. And it's about time.

So yeah. Things looking up. About damn time, so that's where I'm going to end. There are other things I could definitely speak volumes about, but that would take many many more pages. Sorry for the bore, but it was good to get it out.
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