(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 16:36

Why is this monkey not wearing pants??!
Read all the way to the bottom to find out!!!

So, um, yeah. This message is to let everybody who doesn't normally read every single one of my journal entries know that I now have a second journal, Jeff_down_under.
The purpose of this new journal will be to chronicle my adventures in Australia. Jeff_down_under will be public, as opposed to Senorjefe, which is friends-only.
I already announced this once, but I know a lot of people don't read every single thing I write here. Which is totally fine, I understand that.
So, if you haven't already done so, feel free to friend me at Jeff_down_under, and I will eventually get around to friending everybody back.
Oh, and there is a pants-less monkey up there because I needed something that would get the attention of people who normally skip over my boring entries.

By the way. If you think that the pants-less monkey was also a subtle tribute to Jaaackie, then you are absolute right. Jackie hates pants.
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