Looked at my cruise entries and realized they posted out of order - I didn't think I sent them that way, but that's how they showed up. As soon as I get my pics organized, I'll add them to those entries if you'd like to backtrack.
In the meantime, this is my roommate Elizabeth's log for her students, posted day-by-day as we were out there - she's a participant in the
Teacher-at-Sea Program so she's waay more detailed than I was. I feel a little ashamed of myself. Plus she's got some fantastic pictures - I really had camera envy (my pics = see? see that little tiny black dot?! That's a dolphin's DORSAL FIN!! AN ALBATROSS! A SHIP, EVEN!). Ahem. The link:
http://teacheratsea.noaa.gov/2007/eubanks/index.html Also, just found the chief scientists blog at the TOPP (Tagging of Pacific Predators) website:
http://www.topp.org/blog/suzannekohin Looks like she only did the first leg, and then her boss took over:
http://topp.org/blog/russvetter?page=1 Nifty! I didn't know they were keeping blogs, too! (Edit - Suzy emailed us later saying that the webmaster had changed all of her entries, so she doesn't really consider it her blog.
Carl Safina (Eye of the Albatross, Song for a Blue Ocean) was along for the first leg (I was on the third). I wish my writing could be half as poetic as his prose. His blog of the cruise can be found here:
http://carlsafina.wordpress.com/2007/07/05/welcome-to-the-hotel-californshark/ (This page is his first entry on the cruise - link to the next can be found at the bottom right of the entry)