(Drat it, meant to get this up a bit earlier for any ocean types that might be interested - this is streaming right now...)
More info on the following talks here:
http://resources.ca.gov/ocean/cwo06/plenary.htm WEB CAST ADDRESS:
http://www.cal-span.org/State_Webcast/copc/stream_index.htm(requires Windows Media Player)
Opening Session
Implementing the Vision for Ocean and Coastal Protection
Monday, September 18, 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
The California Ocean Protection Council and NOAA Administrator Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher will open the conference with their vision on how to improve ocean and coastal protection in California and across the nation. After a welcome to the City of Long Beach from Mayor Bob Foster, Vice Admiral Lautenbacher will describe new developments in national ocean and coastal policy. The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) members will hold a roundtable discussion regarding their expectations for this unique conference and their vision for action in implementing their new Five-Year Strategic Plan. The OPC voting members are Secretary for Resources Mike Chrisman, State Controller Steve Westly, and Secretary for Environmental Protection Linda Adams. State Senator Sheila Kuehl (represented at CWO ‘06 by Bill Craven), and State Assembly-member Pedro Nava serve as ex-officio OPC members. This session will be web cast live from this Web site.
Ocean Commissions' Luncheon
From Sea to Shining Sea: Progress on Implementing the National Ocean Commissions' Recommendations
Monday, September 18, 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Since the Pew Oceans Commission and U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy issued their final reports in 2003 and 2004, California and other coastal states have responded rapidly with state ocean plans to implement their recommendations. President George W. Bush released the U.S. Ocean Action Plan, and several bills have been introduced in Congress. However, many of the major recommendations in the Commissions’ reports have not been addressed at the federal level, and renewed focus is needed to implement priority changes. In June 2006, the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, composed of members of both Commissions, released the report From Sea to Shining Sea: Priorities for Ocean Policy Reform to set clear priorities for action. This luncheon, moderated by California Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy Brian Baird, will feature Pew Oceans Commission Chair and Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Co-Chair Leon Panetta and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Executive Director Dr. Thomas Kitsos. The panel will discuss the nation’s progress toward implementing the recommendations of the Commissions’ reports and highlight the priorities for moving forward. This session will be webcast live from this Web site.
(click Concurrent sessions on the webcast page - I'm having difficulty with this coming in on my connection)
Critical Issues Beyond State Boundaries
Monday, September 18, 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
(Sylvia Earle on this panel!)
Chair: Kate Wing, Ocean Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Defense Council
Organizer: Kristina Gjerde, High Seas Policy Advisor, IUCN, The World Conservation Union
Biliana Cicin-Sain, Director, Gerard J. Mangone Center for Marine Policy: Meeting Global Oceans Goals: Trends and Prospect
Sylvia Earle, Executive Director, Global Marine Division, Conservation International: The World Ocean and California: What is at stake?
Kristina Gjerde, High Seas Policy Advisor, IUCN, The World Conservation Union: Global Oceans Governance: The Next Steps
Arlo Hemphill, Director, Global Marine Strategy, Conservation International: Linkages Between Open Ocean and Coastal Waters: Implications for Ocean Governance
Lance Morgan, Chief Scientist, Marine Conservation Biology Institute: Deep Seabed Ecosystems Within and Beyond California Waters
Elliott Norse, President, Marine Conservation Biology Institute: Ecosystem-Based Management: Applying Lessons Learned to Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction
West Coast Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health: Examining Challenges and Opportunities
Monday, September 18, 2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Chair: Mike Sutton, Director, Center for the Future of the Oceans, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Organizer: Craig Russell, Geographer, Residential Site Improvement Standards Inc., NOAA
Panelists for Discussion:
Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, California Resources Agency: California State Perspective on Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
William Douros, West Coast Regional Superintendent, National Marine Sanctuary Program: A Federal Perspective on West Coast Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
Kathleen Drew, Governor’s Executive Policy Advisor for Sustainable Economic Development, Energy, and Environmental Management, Office of Washington Governor Christine Gregoire: Washington State Perspective on West Coast Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
Jessica Hamilton, Natural Resources Policy Advisor, Office of Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski: Oregon State Perspective on West Coast Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
Marc Hershman, Professor, School of Law and School of Marine Affairs, University of Washington: Academic Perspective on West Coast Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
Russ Moll, Director, California Sea Grant College Program, University of California, San Diego: West Coast Sea Grant Perspective on West Coastal Regional Collaboration to Address Ocean Health
Federal and State Roles in Regional Governance: Alexander Hamilton, Ronald Reagan, and the Ocean
Monday, September 18, 4:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Chair and Organizer: Katherine Andrews, Executive Director, Coastal States Organization
Sarah Chasis, Senior Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council: Should There be Federal or State Leadership in Regional Agreements
Jack Dunnigan, Assistant Administrator, NOAA Ocean Service: Regional Ocean Governance: Federal and State Roles
Gerhard Kuska, Director of Ocean and Coastal Policy, White House Council on Environmental Quality: Coordinating Management Efforts to Make our Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes Cleaner,
Healthier and More Productive: Federal Perspectives under the U.S. Action Plan
Tony MacDonald, Director, Urban Coast Institute: Regional Ocean Governance: Federal and State Roles
Susan Snow-Cotter, Director, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management: A State Perspective on Asserting Interests Beyond State Waters.
It's too bad they aren't showing streams of any other talks happening at the same time...a lot of interesting stuff.