I can't tell you how relieved I was when Angus pointed out his front incisor was finally growing in. He managed to lose his first three teeth by knocking them out (his mouth at the time was right about the level of our doorknobs), and this one has been missing for over two years - he wasn't quite five yet. He'd been sitting on my lap at the dining room table, tried to hop down, lost his balance because his brother or sister was right next to him, somehow got twisted up and smacked his face right into the (rounded) corner of the wooden chair next to me. There was a lot of blood and screaming, and John rushed him to an emergency dentist. He made sure Angus was ok, took x-rays to be sure the new underlying tooth hadn't been damaged and, since we couldn't find the tooth, told us to go through his poo to be certain it hadn't gotten stuck somewhere in his digestive system, in case he'd swallowed it.
I did that once, and then figured the tooth was on its own. Brrrrrrlech!
Angus had a fat lip for a couple of days afterward, and a gap-toothed smile in every picture since. I was beginning to wonder if all his future pictures would be that way too. He looks a bit snaggly here because he's missing several other teeth as well, but at least he lost those in the conventional manner, and there's evidence they'll soon be replaced.