I made a few phone posts yesterday just to catch up on December stuff - I thought it might be easier to just say stuff while I was doing something else. However, I discovered five minutes goes by a lot faster than I thought ( or else I was talking really slowly, which I think I was). I'll probably redo make them public after I transcribe them - my voice sounds weird, to me at least. And I know I don't always listen to people's phone posts, not always being in a place where I can download or listen to them.
In the meanwhile, I guess there was a quake this morning centered in Fontana about 6:30. That's about the time I was rolling out of bed (late) and stumbling to the shower so I did not feel it - a number of people here at work either felt it - a short, sharp jolt - or heard it rattle the windows or the closet doors.
IT just asked if I had any fish ID books that were old and maybe I wouldn't mind if they didn't come back. I told him he could take the
Eschmeyer and the
Miller & Lea that were in the wetlab, as long as he didn't mind if the pages were falling out. He said that was perfect. He couldn't say what they were going to be used for, and couldn't guarantee they were going to come back, but said if they did, they would have a good story attached to them.
Hmm, how mysterious! I can't wait to hear!