Dad has been moved to another hospital. I guess this is like a wound-care type place, and therefore, less expensive (for insurance purposes anyway) than a full-service hospital. He was moved last night, and sounds like he may be there at least another week; they don't want him coming home until the infection is completely gone. At least they removed the catheter and the drain, so he can get up and walk around more easily. John visited last night, and they talked about guns - not that John really wanted to, but he's about the only person Dad can talk about his favorite subject with. John said it seemed like he was desperate for someone to talk to - but when I visited him all we did was watch TV.
He's closer to my work now, so maybe I can go visit him at lunch.
In other news, yay! I can make a phone post now! Anything anyone want to hear? Even better,
runsamuck can make a phone post now, and I won't have to type for him. Ooh, except that means I have to get him a paid account.... Well, Father's Day is coming. Maybe sometime after payday.
OK, off to read otoliths - VT and KO are way ahead of me. But of course there are more sardines to read than mackerel anyway...