Cookie dragons...

May 24, 2004 17:04

Shortly after I joined Bookcrossing, I got a notification that someone had released a book at the high school a block from my house. I missed it, but I sent the person who had released it a notification that was interested in the book she'd released, and I'd be looking for future ones. Her user name was Cookie Dragon, and I asked if she'd ever ( Read more... )

books, dragons, photos, embarassing moments

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Comments 3

angelsmum May 24 2004, 20:55:50 UTC
I need your bookcrossing screen name, so I can name you as my referrer. => you can email me if you want to.


senoritafish May 24 2004, 22:44:28 UTC
Yay! Senoritafish, same as here and everywhere else - aren't I boring?


angelsmum May 25 2004, 00:28:06 UTC
LOL nah, I am angelsmum everywhere too, saves confusion =>


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