Btw, this is my first NEWS picspam. :D *throws confetti*
So! NEWS. I wasn't expecting much since I wasn't in love with this song, but... it's NEWS!! It's YamaP and Ryô-chan and girly Tegoshi!!! :DD
And the sequences are fast!! It was really tough to cap every detail. >_<;;
It all starts with a nice KoyaShige-Ai-contact... XD
The King of the World himself...
"YamaP da-
(I'll only comment on a few caps, cause I'm really sleepy... u_u;;)
NEWS is moving too fast for my player. ;__;
Oh yes. Our little Tegoshi.
Now, don't let him fool you. He's NOT the little innocent Tegoshi. You'll realize that while watching the PV... (btw, I dislike his hair color...)
But for now, I'd like to draw your attention to Ryô-chan.
Ryô: "Massu, do you already have any plans for tonight?"
"Back off, Nishikido Ryô!! He's not yours!!!"
"What? I didn't do anything... *blinks like an angel*"
"But what about you, Tegoshi Yûya-kun? I mean, what's up with that pose you're doing!!"
"Please excuse their bad behavior. They... they have, you know, a competition going on, what was is called? 'Who is the true slut of NEWS?' or something. Whatever. I'll make it up for you by being pretty, kay?"
Well, I think we should accept his apology... =P
"I'll show you how powerful I am in NEWS."
"I'm using my sexiness to manipulate the others."
Oh yes. Remember Hoshi wo mezashite? XDDD
Poor Koyama doesn't get any love from Ryô-chan...
"I am deeply hurt..."
And Massu?
I think this clarifies everything:
P-chan is like "I feel left out..."
and Ryô-chan tries to comfort him a bit...
...however, he immediately grabs Tegoshi after he's done with Massu...
Te-tegoshi!!! You-you dirty!!!!!!!!!!
"That's our new slogan: "NEWS going dirty". It's already YamaP-approved. See?"
Btw, I have to admit that I got confused when I saw this... cause Pi's and Ryô-chan's hair colors are almost the same. And I wasn't sure who was who. ^_^;;;
Ryô's & Tegoshi's competition is still going on...
"I am supposed to be the winner. Vote for me!!! Am I right, Massu?"
"Massu!!! Say yes!!!"
Massu: "D:"
Ryô: "No one likes me. D:"
YamaP: "That's not true. I like you."
"I, Katô Shigeaki, am proud of not having been a victim of Ryô or Tegoshi in this PV."
Shige... behind you...
Tegoshi accomplished his mission.
"I'm the new star!!!"
So, Koyama, how do you feel being loved by someone?
But there's still someone not willing to give up...
"You lose, Tegoshi, you may be a grey star, but I'm the true star: the golden one."
LOOOOOOL!!! Tegoshi, Ryô-chan, you obviously got pwned. XDDDD
Ryô: "I'm winning this competition!!"
Tegoshi: "Yeah, right. Wait until the end, idiot."
Shige: "I can't support Ryô, so I guess I have to support you, Tegoshi..."
YamaP: "YOU!!!! If you had to choose one of us, you'd choose me, right?"
Koyama: "*flails* Yeah, you should vote for YamaP!!!!"
Massu: "Am I still in the camera frame?"
"Trust me. When I'm saying I'm the real star of NEWS..."
"...I really mean it..."
"You want me, don't you?"
(Rika: *looks scared at him* *shakes head*)
"Okay, that's enough Tego."
"Btw, whatever P-sama says is right."
"Ryô-chan, come over here!"
cute... <3
YamaP & Ryô: "Ha!! I'm the real star!"
okay. this was mean. cause I had to pay attention to the right corner AND to the left corner at the bottom at the same time... ;____;
P-chan almost stripping:
"almost" stripping, because he stops here after loosening his tie. ;_;
...while Tegoshi tries to win Shige's heart and Shige's poster is secretly being molested behind Shige's back AGAIN...
...and Ryô-chan already shows his confident signs of winning.
last few seconds of the PV:
Ryô-chan tries to impress everyone with his dancing and his tight pants...
"What? Did you just say I lose this competition? Why???"
Ryô-chan... I'm very sorry... m(_ _)m
But this kid just showed everyone what he reallyis. a slut. A NOT-SO-INNOCENT PERSON.
The only scary thing:
These pics were again YamaP-approved.
Tegoshi: "Prove it"
LOL@Ryô-chan... XDDD
okay. Let me announce the winner: the slut Tegoshiii
Why? Because his smile at the end was as cute as Ryô's and... because the person who owns the last seconds of the PV is the person who owns the whole universe! even though I constantly looked at Ryô-chan in this PV...
(jeez, I should go to bed; I'm starting to talk nonsense...)
THE END!!!!!
I'm sorry for any typos and grammatically incorrect sentences; I'll reread it tomorrow...