
Feb 02, 2009 18:00

Holy shit, guys! My favorite mint just got better!

Today when I went to restock my supply of Wrigley's Eclipse brand mints (I keep a container on my desk at home and at work, and one in my car), I noticed that the packaging had changed. If this is to be believed, Eclipse mints are now not just flavorful and affordable, they have Natural Germ Killing! This floored me.

I'm about to pop in my first one. I've decided to take you on this journey with me.

6:04 PM: Mint enters mouth. They've added a ridged texture to one side. Maybe it kills germs by being pointy and cutting them?

6:05 PM: The flavor seems a bit off. Not enough to drive me to Altoids, but disconcerting.

6:06 PM: The blue-tinted, presumably germ-killing side dissolved almost immediately. This was supposed to be awesome.

6:07 PM: Loading Eclipse website. Mint side holding up fairly well.

6:08 PM: Apparently the germ-killer is Magnolia Bark extract. Initial flavor has faded... back to the classic Winterfrost (TM) goodness.

6:09 PM: Last of mint dissolves. I notice that the phrase "Natural Germ Killing" on the package has an asterisk, but I can't find its corresponding message. Curious.

Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. I guess I just have to get used to the kind of shitty flavor at the beginning.

At least those germs are dead. Bastards.
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