May 22, 2007 17:07
somewhere along last week I got hit with a touch of the black plague. It has been the most cripplingly ill I've been in at least 10 years. It made me lay around for 2 days just thinking about life and if nothing else I certainly felt at the bottom of the barrell, dizzy and unable to eat, with my rabbit keeping away from me as if I was the reaper himself.
I've come a long way and I've gone nowhere at all. I'm very dissapointed in myself for a lot of things and I'm very proud of myself for a lot of things. Ultimately though, I realized that I'm just a very angry person right now. Most of the anger is uneccesary, most of it isn't justifiable, but I just am, and without fully realizing it I think my body just soaked it all up and ended up bed ridden for the better part of a week.
I know when I do recover from this I will feel very good, and maybe things will pick up finally. Maybe this was just a physical representation of things shutting down so I can restart again. Who knows. Either way, it happened and the world is still turning. So I will too.