Dec 14, 2007 21:09
i'll be seven months in seven days on the 21st is the begaining of my seven month mark!!!!! I'm a big cow. eveyone says- your so cute and your body is fit for havin a baby. but i'll i can think in i got hemroids my feet are twice there size my thights rub togetther for the first time iin my life. all i can do is eat. and to top it all off i can't even see the massive nest of hair that i'm sure has grown between my legs. I know thats a might bit to much for you guys to read. but i have a feeling by the end of this i'm going to be one big ass strech mark. YEA BABYS!!! FUCK BABYS!!! at least thats how i feel right now. i'm sure tomarrow it will change and i'll be happy again. but not right now.