the tallies are in.

Aug 30, 2004 19:46

well well, here's the scoreboard of life right now:

1. got moved to 6th period/varsity soccer.
2. got another north face backpack. (this is big shot, not yavapai)
3. hung out with andrea this weekend?!
4. i "made it" into alyssa's sell-your-soul/main men club.
5. i think my mother and brother are on my car argument side. (though she pleads "neutral").
6. kayla is my new... text buddy whore?
7. joe wore my converse, while we ate cupcakes n' ice cream.
8. i met gangly grant.
9. saw garden state.

1. lame ass grade on eng ap american dream paper.
2. not so swell grade on pre-cal test.
3. two tests so far on friday.
4. pre-cal quiz tomorrow.
5. a loss in the "i need a car/bmw" argument to father.
6. physics homework the size of goliath + yao ming.

1. i have no homecoming date.
2. lewis says he's not going to homecoming.
3. i won't be driving even if i do go, effing dps.

well, i wonder why all my cons are tied in with school? hrmm- school is hell. that is that, and i can't wait to go to college so i can actually be "impressed" by what a real school campus should look like. not just a prison made up of cheap ass brown filth brick and bland ass beige aluminum walls. my birthday is coming up, on september 10th (aka homecoming game), so think of something i can do? you obviously most likely will get yourself an invitation if your idea is pure brilliance and blows my mind. other bdays to remember kiddies are: september 13th and september 20th. jay n' brent, my fellow skull crushers. weekends aren't as great as they should be since we look forward to them all week at school, i hope they get better. if not, i'm going to just buy kegs by the truckload from shiner, and store them in my house for my boredom. ehh, i wish. life is good overall... well, besides school. ugh
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