nigga shieet.

Aug 07, 2004 23:02

who got their diesel zathan jeans? who is $193.77 in debt? who's birthday is on september 10th, and will be needing all the money love from his friends?yes, i am this person. i am feeling rather bittersweet- i got the pair of dreams i have drooled over for months, yet i am also a poor fool. damn.

in other news, katie and kayla have also joined the "expensive jeans wagon". katie purchased a fine pair of chip & pepper jeans, whereas kayla made a purchase of dark seven jeans from jeans couture. a trip to both the galleria, and the rice village shopping center included more "downtown chic shopping" purchases. joe got a godly black, thermal waffle layered hoodie from urbn, and phil bought some porn star glasses that i must confess are rather beautiful. a "boob" pillow from urbn was also purchased. it is comfortable. yet it is not a giant picture of a breast either, sorry to dissapoint. just it's nickname.

i feel depressed that i'm going to have to sell my lacoste shirts. damn size 4 for being so big. i wish lacoste didn't make such fatass sizes. this is horrible. it depresses me, because i had the perfect outfit planned out, yet the lacoste are too effing big. damn fat sizes.

furthermore, i feel like an ass because i didn't get katie the necessary birthday gift. i guess i have a lot of gifts to be buying. yet, i don't have a job? how will i pay for all of this? damn. katie,joe, jay, brent,tyler, kayla (october 24th), followed by amartya in november, and probably many other people. i might as well sell myself on the whore-ladened streets of h-town. damn.

speaking of birthdays, i wonder what to do for mine? big party at my house with the usual lame foods of "pizza, cake, ice cream, buffalo wings and soda!", or should it be an exclusive dinner party for a few elitist friends of mine? ha, who knows. i just don't want something lame, i mean... this is a 16th birthday party. pssh. think of ideas kiddies and you just might recieve an invitation...

for all those who have completed reading this far into this entry, which was originally to only be a few sentences, i congratulate you. krishanu has a graduation party tonight, it was off the chiz-ain. 8th grade kids are having a lot of drama so i hear, it's rather amusing yet depressing. my new friend is patrick davis, even though his sister detests of this "friendship". oh well, patrick is waaaay cooler than you'll ever be katie, "the boy". ha.

i now am the offical "thug" on kayla's cell, that's cool. this entry is rather extent so i shall end it with a fine conversation i overheard tonight.

person #1:"yeh, we're going to see the village tonight"
in the background: "if it's ##### on the phone tell him i say hi, if #### is there then just don't say anything. i don't like him".
person #1: "mehh, we'll cheeel out tomorrow nite #####, you chill with #-### tonight. later meng"
person #2: "err, later #####".

wow, i hate people who won't face people they seem to dislike. stop ruining friendships and just making life shit. some things aren't meant to work out or happen, and you should realize that. it blows my mind that this even is happening. it's humiliating to just think that it has happened. go find someone else, just stop. stop leeching on people, it's horrible. stop this trash. ugh.
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