reaching out to thine wealthy.

Aug 02, 2004 10:53

Dear friends(?) of Brad,

Of course as you can see, #2 on my list has not yet been completed. Currently, I am in the process of completing #1 on my list also. Thus, the money flow to thine pocket is not enough at the moment to complete all of the current list items. In a plea to all "friends" out there, I shall ask thee- do you know that my birthday is coming up soon? In this test of questioning my friendship with each of you, I can only hope that you will be kind and generous to give into the "Brad-needs-effing-zathan-jeans-now-or-he'll-kill-himself" foundation. I will gladly take any "early" birthday donations or money gifts so that someday, I can truly be happy with a pair of genuine Diesel Zathan 772 jeans on me. Oh? You say you want to surprise me with them for my birthday? Sure, why not. Go ahead and go to the following link, order the 30X30 size, and find out that you will be the absolute best effing friend in the world.

In a final discussion about this all, in order to make sure to fully obtain the real and genuine pair of Diesel jeans, I feel it is necessary to buy them from a real store, as opposed to eBay, where the fear of buying a pair of fake jeans is high. With the current price at $179.00 with no shipping cost on I have envisioned splitting the cost of the jeans either 18 ways, 9 ways, or somewhere in between. Hopefully I have out there more than 18 friends willing to donate $10 as a joint birthday gift and Diesel jean foundation for me. Also, for those who truly respect Brad, and his undying quest for jeans, wiil donate $20 for the foundation.

With this test of friendship I have set up for you people, now is the time to shine. Now is the time to find who is there for me always, who cares, and who will bend over backwards for a true friend. I thank you all for your time and patience, and strong feeling of hate for me, as if it seems I am forcing you into this? Of course not. I am merely reminding you that my birthday is September 10th, the jeans on are backordered until August 30th, and that the price is $179- no shipping cost. This cost can be split either 18 ways having each person pay $10 each, or 9 ways with people paying $20 each. Remember our friendship people. Do you want me saying a "Hello I love you!" tomorrow, or more of a "I hate you, you effing bastard." You can decide. <3

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