Time for teh Hootnanny!

Dec 14, 2007 07:08

Feliz Dia Del Graduatin! Congratulations Sofia! **digital high five** I'm looking forward to this weekend. Friends, shiner bock, a cross town bike ride, celebratin' and maybe even free party food. I can't ask for much more than that. That's the good life in my book.

Can't say I'm used to seeing sunrise from this angle. Not that I slept much. Four hours is more of a long nap then actuall sleep but oh well what the hell. I'm a goofball. Most people make themselves breakfast food for breakfast, I make myself cheeseburgers with extra onions. Dat's sum gore-may shit rite dere.

I get to dress up today. :) Is there anything sexier than a guy in suit pants and a button down with a tie on a bicycle?*

*it's a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously no.
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