You can quit laughing now, Kage.

Apr 04, 2009 19:11

You Are The Emperor
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aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 01:10:18 UTC
Gods, don't pay attention to those things. I wouldn't wish being an imperial-type person on anyone. My mother is, and it's never gotten her anything but work and hundreds of slightly creepy human guard-dogs.



sennyo_kagerou April 18 2009, 01:28:54 UTC
I am just not an authority figure in any way. I do not even seem able to get the man who says he likes me to kiss me properly.


aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 01:36:23 UTC
Well, some people don't have much experience with kissing, is all.


sennyo_kagerou April 18 2009, 01:45:16 UTC
I think he does, but that he might be the one who gets kissed, not the one who does the kissing.

But so am I, so I do not know what to do about it.

Are you enjoying the book?


aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 01:54:05 UTC
Well, I would guess one of you will just have to adjust, but I'm hardly an expert on kissing. Hope it works out, though. You're a responsible, smart guy. You can figure it out.


sennyo_kagerou April 18 2009, 02:13:34 UTC
I do not know if I can. I am trying, though.

You don't kiss? Why not?


aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 02:17:21 UTC
Never really got that close with the right person. There was one of my research colleagues, Olivia, but, well, then she screwed up and my mother nearly died, so we didn't keep getting as close as we might have.

Calling it strictly Olivia's screwup means I never have to blame myself.


sennyo_kagerou April 18 2009, 02:24:19 UTC
I am sorry to hear that. Everyone should have someone they are close to.


aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 02:29:28 UTC
I have my work. I have Mother and a few friends. I'm fine.


sennyo_kagerou April 18 2009, 02:44:05 UTC
I thought so, too, once.


aureliaofarista April 18 2009, 03:04:54 UTC
You're young for your species. You'll figure it all out. A human older than 30 who still hasn't? Probably not going to.


sennyo_kagerou April 19 2009, 16:45:54 UTC
You are too hard on yourself, Erasmus. You have many very fine qualities. I am sure there is someone for you.


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