Jan 15, 2008 01:03
… Econtra. I have been informed this place is called Econtra. Actually, I’ve been informed of a lot of stuff since I arrived here, and I’m not sure I believe in half of it. But that doesn’t matter, that’s not my point.
The explanations I’ve been given do nothing to alleviate my disquiet. It’s a prisoner camp as far as I’m concerned. Any place that pulls in the unwilling, houses them and forces them to fight, even if the cause is a good one, is questionable at best.
They have given me a room. They have given(less given, more forced on) me a trinket they say is a tracking device of sorts, though I’ll bet it’s more than that. It reeks of one of Kurotsuchi’s little knickknacks.
I’m stuck here. There are restrictions on me via this device and I cannot remove it. I can’t take to the air as well as I should. It seems a contradiction for them to limit their own fighters. But then we’re not. None of us are. We’re prisoners. They know it and so does everyone who’s been forced in here.
They should know something else however. I’m not staying. I’m not fighting in a war of their making. I’m getting out and when I do, I’m taking out as much of this place as I can in the doing.