A conundrum

Aug 19, 2006 22:11

I've noticed that every guy I've ever been remotely romantically or sexually involved with has been older than me (and an actor except one who I now hate and was actually a stage hand).
I've also noticed that a huge chunk of my friends are always older than me. However, as far as friends go, I do have at least two that are just under a year younger than me, and several more that are the same age as me (I'm counting only close friends). But last year for example, I dated Curtis, who is now 22 and was 21 when I met him, me being 19 now and 18 when I met him. I became close with all his roommates which gave me four friends and a boyfriend that were all at least 3-4 years older than me.

In London this summer, the guy I met is 25. I do not know the age of the other guy I made friends with, but both of those two have just moved into their first apartment.

And everyone has heard the story of the 30 year old man.

What I want to know is if A. I was born a handful of years too late, B. I'm more mature then everyone my age and thus only seek companions of the same maturity level as myself, or C. some other option, that you, the viewing audience will help to explain to me. Because this is really starting to confuse me....yo.

om shanti shanti shanti...
peace peace peace
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