*rolls on the floor, gathering all the dust in her clothes*
So the school has started, only two weeks behind and I feel like I'm positively drowning in to different projects and stuff that I could've done long before Christmas but didn't. I can blame myself from my laziness. But I can do it, I've got enough time and I'm going to kick myself in the ass.
Anyways, let's talk about my other problem. Fanfiction.
I've got at least ten pages of When Words Aren't Enough that need's to be edited and sent to my beta, my one and only entry for
kakairu_kink still waits to be finished - goddamit, I started it a whole YEAR ago!! - and the half-made sequel for In the Dark also sits in my computer, too. Not to mention the little, yet weak plotbunnies that gnaw my ankles every now only to flee, when I try to finish them.
Urk! >_<
If there's a plotbunny that I'm determinated to finish, one way or the other, it's a songfic that's based on Apocalyptica's
Not Strong Enough. The very first time I heard I just knew I should write a angsty/heart-breaking story from either Kakashi's or Iruka's point of view - or maybe even both! You know, a two-part story. *grins* But what I can't decide whom I should write about. Kakashi or Iruka? The scale's tipping more to Kakashi, but I'm not sure.
Dear, f-list, what do you think?
Poll Poll time, people~- Senna-chan