My Girl: Reset (Final)

Oct 20, 2014 13:38

Title: My Girl?: Reset (3/3)
Genre: Drama/Angst/Fluff
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ohmiya
Disclaimer: I own nothing so yeah, you know the drill.
Warning: Unbetaed. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes you may encounter.
Word count: 2,250 words
Summary: Continuation of the alternative, dark ending of My Girl series.
Author's Notes: arashi4dream1 Because you have been waiting for so long. m(_ _)m Oh and feel free to prompt me anything related for this universe in case you think you want some parts to explore further as a token ^_^ Same goes for kazusato ♥ and for everyone too!

And Happy Digitalian? I'm seriously loving the album. ♥♥♥♥♥ Maybe I'll post my short thoughts about them in another post. xDD

I was thinking 2 fanfictions for this lovely duo. Watch out for that! (I hope by this week I guess ^^:)

Here you go!


In his hand, Nino's cellphone displays the time in front of him. An hour will pass in a matter of minutes and the man who said that he'll find him is not yet here. Surely he's lost already just like him. He was used to dazing out in the open space but frankly, he's not in the mood for it. He just wants to go home and sleep all throughout the day just so he could forget what happened previously. There's no second that he doesn't think about it; as he tries to think deeper, he realized that it hurts more when Jun didn't even acknowledge the event today- he never failed to do that until now.

And there's also Nino...

Why am I staying here in false hope of him finding me anyway? Not that I was hoping for it, no.

Maybe I should get back to my real home instead.

He stood from his seat where he had been waiting and started walking to start a supposed adventure when suddenly, someone gently pulled the hem of his shirt.

His right hand was on his right knee as he tried to calm himself down and was able to speak, "Found you, Satoshi."

Ohno muttered his name as he turned around to see him panting heavily, " found me."

Without further ado, Nino hugged the older tightly. At first, he was afraid of not being able to find him. Nonetheless, he took the courage to follow his instincts. If it's Ohno, his feet would always drag him to that park no matter what: the place where they told their feelings towards one another for the first time-it's also the usual place where he does his activities like painting or simply snoozing. "I'm happy that I found you here." he said and inhaled Ohno's scent through the clothing. What a relief - he thought that he wouldn't make it. He inwardly chuckled: to be able to gain stamina for an important person is incredible, isn't it?

Less than a minute elapsed when Ohno gently pushed Nino away, "Why?"


"I know that I...I love Jun. Even if he distances himself from me because of whatever he had done, it may not...change anything. So why? Why are you not hating me?"

Ohno had a point but for Nino, it doesn't matter. He couldn't hate the person he loves wholeheartedly- not after all these years. Heck he didn't stop loving him despite after his "death". He can't think of any other peson he'll love other than him.

"Because it's you... and I guess that you only know you love Jun so I still have a chance to win your feelings back right?," he simply responded with a sweet smile as he tugged his hand, "Now, come on."


"This is..."

Nino nudged Ohno, "Yup, a boat. Now hop on Ohno-san! Don't let my money go into waste!"

"Wha-what do you mean by that? I didn't ask for you to treat me on a boat!" he bit back even if he couldn't hide his feelings of excitement as he took a few steps inside the boat.

Suddenly, the boat started to move, leaving Nino behind, "Ah hey! Are you not-"

He saw the younger waving his hands happily and screaming, "Take care! Bring lots of fishes when you get back or else you'll pay for the boat's rent!"

He didn't retort to his blackmail and waved back. He just remembered...Nino doesn't like boats...and sea.

"I'll get you a large fish Kazu shortly, just you wait!"

He blinked a few times and saw Nino's figure getting smaller and smaller. What was that about? Was he the one who said that before?

Several meters and the captain, from what he assumed, informed him, "Excuse me Ohno-san, we are here. We can start fishing from this area."

Ohno nodded and gathered the needed equipment with the boat captain. He should ask Nino about it later...after he brings him a large fish.


3 hours have passed and he finally did catch a large fish- well, technically it's 1 large fish and the rest were average size sea brass- so that should be enough right? Ohno looked around and Nino was nowhere to be found, "Where did that guy go?"

The captain suddenly spoke behind him, tying a rope to a post for the boat's safety, "He must be at the usual place?"

"Usual place?"

"Eh? You don't know? Wow Ninomiya-san's really not kidding. He's over there."

Ohno followed his gaze to where the captain pointed his finger at and saw a mini cabin. Walking closer with the caught fishes in his right hand, he finally saw Nino frying various vegetables on a pan from the open window. In time, Nino glanced up and again waved happily at his form shortly before resuming to his cooking. Without looking up when Ohno got inside he asked, "So how did Ohno-san do today?"

He placed the fishes next to the chopping board filled with chopped cabbages and carrots, "Caught one and a couple of sea brass."

Nino paused, then poured the chopped vegetables onto the pan, "That's...not a lot now is it?"

Ohno just shrugged, "We"re the only ones who'll be eating it."

Nino replied in a playful tone, "You always bring lots. How selfish can you be? And we always offer some to the captain."

The older looked at Nino increduously before sighing. So this time he shows his true colors? Is his brattiness supposed to allure him? Is this seriously a chance he's taking to be together with him?

And why is he thinking about this?

Ohno was startled when a pair of hands landed on his shoulders,  "Fine then, I'll leave it off. I've prepared the table in the room so just wait  there okay? It's straight down on the left."

He nodded to Nino's instruction and dragged himself to the said room. Toma hasn't called. He should apologize in Jun's behalf or just ask him where he had disappeared to so that he can inform Jun.

I love Ohno-san but it's not…like before.

I am happy to see him every day but...every time I see his face...those memories are returning again. I am trying to move on but I can't!

I must atone for what I did to Nino and you.

He...hurt me and ways you may never imagine in your current state.

Those sentences suddenly echoed on the bland walls of the hallway. As they echoed again in a loop, he felt he was walking in a long path, walls slowly closing in, suffocating him. Then, a pang of pain shoot in his head, leaning him on one side.

I also like you too Nino. So please… don’t go. Don’t go away.

And the pain faded, leaving his eyes wide in what his memory revealed about his relationship with Nino.

"Satoshi, are you okay?"

The younger held both sides of his shoulders, aiding him to stand properly. Ohno turned his head and then the next thing, he was merely millimeters away from his face. He only nodded and both simply heard their slow breaths...and probably their beating hearts. Somehow it all felt warm and nostalgic.

Why is that?

That moment did Ohno take a good look at his eyes: they were in a shade of brown and he saw himself in those orbs. He could tell how worried he was for him. Was he really an important person to him? His face turned red at the thought-why is his face turning red?

Nino was the first one to break the silence, "Sorry, I felt that I need to check on you and well, this happened."

Ohno looked the opposite way, to hide his face, "I should proceed with your cooking, I'm starving."

Nino was surprised as he was expecting anything that'll break his heart again so he smiled, "It's almost done."


Ohno was at peace entering the room full of paintings. It was detailed and it emitted a sense of calmness to him as if they were...his.

Back then, he always sketches-rarely paints-but he feels series of emotions in all of his creations.

No doubt, he had created these before.

After spending one good round of scrutinizing the painted sceneries hanged around the 4 walls of the dining room then he finally took a seat. He feels the heat slowly creeping up to his cheeks again for he could totally feel that what's happening between them now is a date. It is a date right? He put his hand over his chest: his heart was still beating hard. It's either from the amazement that is his paintings or the way the two of them gazed at each other's eyes earlier.

What is wrong with me? I still don't know him! Well the catching-a-lot-of-fish-for-Kazu memory and asking him to never leave me has told me something but nothing more...

nothing more...


Something vibrated in his pocket. A message from Jun via Toma. As he read through it, he felt his heart constricting. If what Jun says is true...with Nino perhaps he can...

"Sorry for making you wait," Nino said with a smug look on his face, as he placed a tray filled with rice, fried vegeyables and of course, the fish.

Once they had set everything on the table, they began to eat. As Ohno took a bite while he stared at the person sitting opposite him doing the same action made his mind wander back to a certain fragment of his memory he didn't think he had:


"Is it good Oh-chan?"

"Yeah, tasty! I wish Kazu can cook for me like this everyday!"

"Of course I can do that but I can't."

"Why not?"

"If I do that then maybe you won't even remember our next anniversary after this one."

"You seriously think I won't remember?" Ohno smirked and stretched his hands towards Nino's,  "It's you Kazu so I will. All of me will always be bounded to you. But...if I did forget, don't give on me okay?"



"Uh yeah? What happened?"

"You were dazing out again."

"Oh,sorry. Ne, Nino..."


"I think it's better if we break up."

Nino almost lost his balance, "E-excuse me?"

"I don't" he muttered, not meeting his eyes. From that fragment of his memory, he really is not worthy of his love. There, he concedes to the fact that he has something for this man-probably almost like Jun but maybe bigger and better: there's no point of denying this growing infatuation towards him. But after what he had done ....the countless unaffectionate actions that made him suffer and there could be more considering his state of merely remembering very few memories. There's a lot more to go; he can't have Nino suffer so much for who knows how long.

As he tries to meet Nino's eyes this time, he was welcome by a slap on his right cheek.

Ohno's eyes widened when he saw him trying to hold back his tears, breathing heavily.

"D-don't say such a selfish thing!" Nino retorted, slowly slumping himself on the floor.

He tried to extend his arms for him but he shrugged it off, "I'm not being selfish, I-I just don't want you--"

"To get hurt? Is that what you're saying? That's the least of my worries now Satoshi." Nino finally let go of his tears and tilted his forehead to the older's knees. "I've told myself that I will be prepared to endure anything whatever happens after you've lost your memories again...because I can...never leave you. That's how much I love you. Do you remember what you said to me back then? That if it is me, you will remember. So, I'll never give up; you...and I can do this together.  And also, you said that if you did forget..."

He didn't want to continue. Of course Ohno wouldn't remember.

"If I did forget, don't give up on me. That's what I said to you on our anniversary wasn't it?''

Nino shot his eyes in surprise, not expecting those same words he said before to come out of his mouth. He...remembered!


"What you did here triggered some of my past memories and I'm grateful. Nonetheless, there's a lot of memories I have yet to recover. " It was Ohno's turn to slump himself on the floor to be on the same level as Nino and slowly held his hands. He looked at the younger 's eyes again. A ray of hope can be seen twinkling in his brown orbs.

"In the meantime Nino, will it be okay if we...can create new memories together?"

Maybe then... I can learn to love you...again.

Nino had his mouth agape before hugging Ohno tightly in joyful tears, "Yes we can Satoshi, no matter what memory will it be, so long as it's with you."

Jun wants you to be happy. In order for him to do that, he has to repent and as much as I hate to say it, move on. You have that guy by your side and he believes that he'll take care of you more than Jun did. So you don't have to worry about him. Happy monthsary Ohno-san and this will be the last. Cherish your past, present and future memories with Nino, okay? - Toma

For the first time since the incident, he hugged him back, "Thank you, Nino."

It all restarts here.

my girl?: reset, ohmiya, fanfic

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