Title: MY GIRL? (17/17: PART II) + EPILOGUE Genre: Romance/fluff, Drama/angst Rating: PG Pairing: Ohmiya, one-sided Juntoshi Disclaimer: I own nothing. I wish they were mine. Warning: Unbetaed. Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes that you may encounter. Word count: 3, 007 Summary: Nino loses Ohno in an accident. 3 years later, he met a mysterious woman named Satoko. As they become close, more things get in the way and within those lies a hidden truth... Author's Notes: Bittersweet single! ChocoJun drama! New Kirin CM! Nino's new(?) drama series! Aiba's handsome haircut! Overly adorable Ohno and Nino moments! and Happy Birthday Sho-kun!
So many things to keep up with the fandom, RL gets in the way right now... orz
Anyway, hope you enjoy the last part of the chapter with a short epilogue, douzo!~
[Spoiler (click to open)] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A police in a casual garb approached Aiba and Sho but couldn't help to notice their other company walking in circles, "Will Ninomiya-san be okay?"
"Don't worry about him officer, he's only...thinking and uh, panicking at the same time."
"Huh, I see. Don't push yourselves especially him. He's not fully healed yet. If you spot him, alert us right away." he replied, his eyes still on the small man and left.
Sho turned their attention to that lithe man, "Nino...could you please-"
"Why the hell did you call the authorities? I didn't ask for protection and besides, we're not even sure if they'd be here!"
"They'll be here Nino! My gut tells me that they will!"
"I agree with Aiba-kun here. No worries, we had them track Ikuta Toma's location so that we can also find them in case they don't come here."
"How long will that take?"
"Shouldn't take long I suppose."
"That won't convince me. J and Oh-chan may have left the country by now!"
Aiba waved his hand high giddily as if in a class, "Oooh! I got that covered while Sho-chan is busy with the local authorities! I have a friend who works on managing those stuff and he happened to track their flight…which is tonight. We'll make sure they don't go on it!"
He opened his mouth but nothing; if it's this duo they can do anything-mostly silly but this one's quite impressive. "Wow, this could be one of the best moment I am thankful for."
"No problem Nino!"
Satoshi...I'll get you back so hang on!
The three were too occupied on their own that they didn't notice a man watching over an unconscious body being carried to the emergency room.
----------------- "He will be okay right?" asked Jun as he put his gas mask down. He was disguised in a blond wig with a black cap for not being found out. He knows that there's a chance that Nino may had come for help with the police already so he might as well take precaution.
The nurse was the one who answered to represent the doctor currently examining Ohno, pushing him backwards, "You have to wait outside for a while sir, the doctor will tell you the results in a moment."
They were out of the room shortly, "You didn't answer my question, miss."
"As far as we can see sir, he had a head injury that wasn't attended to right away so that itself is bad news. Plus, he had serious bruises to various parts of his body. What happened to him? Did he get into a fight?"
"Y-yeah. B-but the beatings weren't--"
"Hm, that may be true. Still, a blow is a blow. He either didn't defend himself properly or perhaps his body have reached its limit. May I inquire the patient's name?"
"I..." he muttered. There's no way he can't tell them his name. I could use the character he played back then.
"It's Tarui Shotaro. Found him being beat up by some…yakuzas."
"Yakuzas huh. Good thing you stopped them in time. We'll get back to you about his condition soon."
As the nurse walked back to the said room, Jun sat on one of the chairs across the reception desk, fidgeting. He didn't expect to go this way! The blunt objects used last night weren't enough to bring him down easily! Was it because beforehand he was constantly beating Ohno up?
It wasn't his fault, he was resisting and what better way to shut him up?
He closed his eyes and audibly sighed. He was being carried away by his anger too much. Those bottled-up feelings that he had sealed had broken free at once that he didn't have the chance to control them. Or it could be that he did have control over them-only initially.
If he’ll die...
"Excuse me nurse..."
Jun opened his eyes again only to find 2 people in front of him, their backs facing his.
"Were there any patients being brought in this past hour?"
A feminine voice, "Why yes. Quite a number I should say. Are you looking for someone?"
"Um yeah, it's Ohno S-"
One of the two smacked the other's left shoulder, "Sssh…Not so loud Aiba-kun..."
"Oops sorry."
His eyes are wide open now, realizing that the two people are Aiba and Sho. He felt glad that he didn't mention Ohno's true name here yet they must get out of here ASAP. But if they were here, could it be that...Nino is here too?
When the duo finally left and out of hindsight, Jun approached the reception clerk as well, “Excuse me, is there by chance of a patient under your care named Ninomiya Kazunari?"
"Oh, hold on a moment," then after pressing some buttons to her computer, "Yes. Ninomiya Kazunari was confined in this hospital due to bullet wounds and other injuries, early morning."
He managed to make an act, "Oh I've been looking for him; he's my friend. Do you know what room he is in?"
"It was on the 2nd floor but they've been transferred to...the topmost floor. Room 417."
He muttered a thanks and used the stairs to get to their location.
It's time to pay him a final visit.
Once he was on the said floor, he took a look at the corridor behind a wall to see if any people are around: there weren't any. Jun was about to find the room when his target went out of one of the rooms. He quickly followed Nino, trying not to get caught. Luckily, Nino doesn't notice anything (could be from the wounds he deserved well) and continued walking until they arrived at the rooftop.
Jun took a hold of the firearm hidden at the back of his pants and slowly brought it out as he sneaked behind him. Nino gasp and reacted a second late when the younger twisted his hands and put him in a lock position. He placed the nozzle on the side of his head and almost whispered, "Time to die, Ninomiya Kazunari!"
Nino whispered back, "Not yet J, I won't let you get rid of me easily!" And took that moment to pour his strength to throw an elbow punch to his abdomen in order to escape from his controlling hold and at the same time, to get the gun. Both individuals struggled to possess it, that the weapon went flying away from a distance. Without the gun in either of them, Jun used his combat skills towards Nino. One, two, three punches more before kicking his side several times, including the bullet wounds that were healed previously that made the gamer scream in pain.
When he saw Nino unable to stand anymore, he scurried to the gun's locale and pointed it to his defenseless form with both hands.
Jun was on the verge of crying, "From now on, you will be nothing but a fading memory."
Before he can pull a trigger, a figure dashed out of nowhere to grab the gun from Jun.
"Ohno-san, let go!" he yelled, recognizing him in shock.
The older was still weak but not weak enough to release his hold, "I won't. Don't do this!"
"I have to, it's what I wanted to do from the start!"
"Stop it Ohno-san!"
Neither gave in thus the two continued to struggle.
Suddenly, a bang.
Ohno and Jun stared at each other.
The older smiled lightly before the former slowly knelt and fell sideward on the ground. Blood then oozed out from the shot which made the latter snap in panic, looking at his hands holding the gun shakily before tossing it away from his sight.
Jun...Kazu...I'm sorry.
Jun and Nino yelled his name in unison.
I wonder…Maybe it will be better if it's like this…
Ohno was trying to be conscious but wasn't able to as everything faded to black.
In time, Sho and Aiba, together with few policemen, rushed to the scene and brought the three back inside the hospital.
--------------- 3 weeks later: Dead silence surrounded the isolated room as Nino and Jun stood before each other-merely separated by the glass wall built in between. Jun first took his seat and spoke through the hole in the glass.
"How is Satoshi?"
Nino couldn't help but cringe at him calling Ohno by the first name. He then took a seat replying with a poker face, "He's...fine."
It's been 3 weeks since he hasn't woke up so obviously he's not.
"What do you mean by 'fine'?"
Fine? I don't know if he is anymore.
"Fine is fine, J."
"Then how come he hasn't been with you? Or with Aiba-kun and Sakurai-san?"
I wish everyday for him to just...wake up.
But...he won't.
Jun mumbles Ohno's name repeatedly in a form of a tune.
And you, Jun. You're supposed to be the stronger one.
"Sa-to-shi... Sa-to-shi..."
"Stop singing and stop asking too many questions! I told you, he's fine!"
"Sir, please calm down or he might go berserk again."
In contrast to what the officer said, Jun only paused with a pout before singing again, only softer. He seemed calmer than a week ago.
Then, a woman in a white uniform walked near him. Nino presumed it must be time for him to take some medication. He didn't say any word as he watched him being escorted back to the door that leads to his isolation.
He heard Jun's somewhat jolly voice talking to the one assisting him, "Hey Mao-chan, Nino will come back tomorrow right? Do you think Satoshi will be with him? I want to see my Satoshi...then we can finally go to Paris…"
He turned away to not hear the rest. Jun should be charged with rape, attempted homicide and lots of things. But after the incident, his mentality went to another breakdown that caused his insanity.
His cellphone vibrated. He fished his phone from his left pocket and read the screen through watery eyes: It's Aiba calling.
"Nino! Riida...He's..."
Hearing just the first part of Aiba's statement made Nino's heart beat faster than usual.
"I'll be right there! Thanks Aiba!"
He woke up...he woke up...he woke up! Satoshi will be okay!
---------- Nino almost felt like he was going to die out of exhaustion as soon as he arrived in front of Ohno's room, not bothering to use the elevator. This is the effect of him not actually moving much from playing games at home. No matter, he was that excited.
Nino combed his hair with his hands and fixed his clothing, trying to brush the crumples from his shirt. Then he pushed the door.
Inside were Aiba and Sho holding hands, giggling back at him as if they knew what he was doing outside before coming here and there he was...
His Friend. Family. Lover. Everything.
Tears are coming out of his eyes.
He ran and immediately encircled his arms around Ohno, "Oh-chan! You're awake!"
Ohno did the same thing and tangled his one hand through his hair, "Yeah I'm here. I'm sorry if I made you worry." He released himself from the embrace (much to Nino's disappointment) and his eyes roamed around his body, "Are you alright now? How were your wounds?"
The couple giggled louder at Nino's scarlet face. He covered his face shortly before answering with a sniff, "I was healed weeks ago, you idiot! You should look at yourself first!"
Darn it, his tears won't stop!
Ohno cupped his face with both of his hands and wiped his tears, "Stop crying okay? Didn't I tell you before? I won't go anywhere this time."
"It's just that I-"
The older smiled and gave Nino a sweet kiss.
"Can you stop now please? You've cried buckets for me already." pleaded Ohno with puppy eyes.
"Kiss me one more time?"
"We're right here you know!" The other couple disturbed, making them all laugh.
In the end, Ohno and Nino were left alone as the other two went outside to buy some food and buy them some time.
Nino didn't hold back and climbed beside Ohno on the bed and kissed him in which he gladly obliged.
The kiss was long, deep, passionate, longing, caring and loving.
Once they finally separated to grasp some air, they made themselves comfortable by fully lying down on the bed. Nino snuggled himself into Ohno's warmth whilst he caressed Nino from his hair to his lower back repeatedly.
"Hey Oh-chan?"
"About the-"
"We'll deal with those later. I need more sleep and so do you."
"I don't need it and I'm pretty much sure that you also don't."
Nino felt him shrug, "Cuddling it is then."
"I'll text Aiba to buy us tons of food. That'll give us...I mean...well, so that you can heal quickly and be better already."
Ohno chuckled at Nino's kind-of-cheezy behaviour (too bad he can't see it from their intimate position) and kissed the top of his head, "Whatever you say Kazu."
Few more weeks later when Ohno got out of the hospital- thanks to Sho's contant nagging on making him eat, Aiba series of outdoor adventure stories-making him realize that he misses fishing- and Nino's whining of wanting to sleep (whether it's the actual rest or something else) with him...without having to deal with back pains or skeptical looks of the nurses.
Subsequently, the rest were dealt with.
The authorities soon found Toma in a construction at Yokohama and was brought into question for being part of Jun's plan. He was released thereafter without charges because of Ohno's strong opinion about him being a good person. Whereabouts are unknown for the group who beat Ohno up; both can't recall much of their faces so they gave up on looking. Lastly, Jun, was still in the process of mental rehabilitation. At this time, chances of making him sane again are low. Nevertheless, Aiba or Sho would visit once a week to check on how he's doing. Nino haven't returned since Ohno woke up back at the hospital. On the other hand, Ohno was okay on a visit though he was quite unsure of what would the outcome be at first. Still, Nino and Ohno settled on visiting Jun.
When they have arrived, Ohno glanced at Nino as they walked through the hallway.
"You okay?" he queried, observing Nino biting his thumb’s nail in concentration.
“Yeah, I’m just worried. For the first 2 weeks, he was uncontrollable…kept looking for you.”
Ohno’s eyes casted downwards, “It must have been tough on Jun-kun.”
“Then, during my last visit, he was calmer and just bugged me on where were you and your condition.” They stopped in front of the room where Jun is already waiting inside, “You know what, maybe I should go in first Oh-chan. You can just see him through something else.”
The older only nodded, “Okay then. Try telling him… that he doesn’t have to worry. And oh, give him this.”
“What is it?” he asked, holding a medium-sized box wrapped in purple ribbon.
“It’s something I made for him before.”
Nino continued to scrutinize the item. Ohno held Nino’s hands gripping the said box.
“He has done a lot of things…that may not be forgiven so easily. But that doesn’t mean I have forgotten his good side.”
Nino sighed and went inside the room and the other went to the recording room.
Jun was already there, holding pictures of him and Ohno back in the day and dreamily gazing at them (Aiba must’ve given it to him). When Nino pulled a chair, the younger averted his eyes to him with a slight enthusiast, “Is Satoshi with you?”
He doesn’t want Jun to expect so he said with courage, “He’s not with me…and he’ll probably not come here but he said that you should not worry and I should give you this.”
Jun was looking behind Nino and all around the room then back at the item. He slowly grabbed it and pulled the ribbon. As he opened the cover, he pulled the content and stared at it and then…he cried and hugged the item.
“You…get well soon okay?”
Jun was still sobbing and even if Nino can’t hear it properly he knew there were words of ‘Thank you’ coming from his mouth endlessly.
When Nino bid his goodbye to Jun, Ohno was already outside waiting for him in a tree shade. As they walked home together, holding hands, the older simply answered in which Nino only hummed in response.
“Thank you Nino.”
---------------- Epilogue:
Ohno was enjoying the sun hitting his face only to be blocked by Nino’s head.
He didn’t bother to open his eyes, “What is it Kazu?”
“Where’s your ring?”
“Ring? What ring?”
“The one that you should also have since you gave one to me. Don’t tell me you only bought one!”
The older opened his eyes and sat in front of Nino’s position, “N-no! I bought a pair! Toma-kun found it while he was cleaning Jun-kun’s house!”
Right brow raised. The sound of a foot being continuously tapped, “So? Where is it now?”
“I can’t remember where exactly I-”
“Ohno Satoshi, if you don’t find that ring I swear I’ll-“
Ohno pressed his right hand on Nino’s chest. As it settled on his fast-beating heart, the ring was already in his hand. Afterwards, a nose kiss.
“Will you look at that, it’s here.”
Nino blinked once, twice before finally laughing hard.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, wearing the silver band on his ring finger.
“I don’t know that a person can be a sap and a magician at the same time.”
“I learned from the best….so did I pass?”
Nino couldn’t help but grin, “Yeah, I guess so. I’m glad you remembered.”
“Even if I did forget them, I will always find a way to remember them.”
Both individuals smiled as they faced close to each other, shadows overlapping. From now on, everything will be okay.
“I love you.”
A seal of kiss.
“Love you too.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional notes: You know, I accidentally wrote a dark ending for this but didn’t push through. If you’re interested we might just post that up xD Anyway, a BIG Thank you to all who have viewed and commented to this story until the end. I really appreciate it. I had fun writing them and I’m hoping to create more-I adore this OTP ♥ I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. I can’t believe it ends here~ ‘til the next writing! :D