There once was a young college student named Sen. Sen, like many college students was always on a budget, but could afford a few luxuries from time to time. She loved hot chocolate, especially made with milk and with a little whipped cream. She could never do this at home because her father, who was even more stingy than she was, forced her to make her hot chocolate with half milk and half water to save money on milk. There was never any whipped cream either.
Sen could not afford to go out for hot chocolate very often, but she could make it at home. One cold Sunday afternoon, Sen thought she would like a cup of hot chocolate while she worked on her essay. She was all out of milk though, and because it was sunday, the busses were barely running and the grocery store was closed. But Sen did not lose heart. Instead she decided to take a walk to the convenient store. She walked down the street with a lively spring in her step, looking forward to the sugary goodness that she would make when she returned home.
And so, Sen arrived and looked around the store, soon finding the section for milk, when horror of horrors awaited her! One litre of milk was three whole dollars! Sen was shocked! She had never seen such high prices in all her life! As she reeled in shock her eyes wandered to the two litre bottles of pop. Again she was horrified! The two litre bottles of pop were only 2.85$! For less than what she paid for milk Sen could have two litres of pop! And she would have bought it too, but pop makes her sick! Sen wandered around the store in a horrified daze. Staring in disbelief at the outrageous prices. Then she remembered, the hot chocolate...she needed milk for her hot chocolate!
Sen stared down the outrageous prices and settled on a two litre bottle for 4.89$. It would make many a cup of hot chocolate, and she could use it for cerial and other things that require milk. But then, she saw another horror. A dreaded sign seen in many an overpriced establishment. If Sen wanted to use her debit card, the only way to pay that she could at the time, her purchase needed to be five dollars or more! Sen whirled around, looking for the cheapest object she could buy and settled on a chocolate bar.
As she approached the counter a fat man stood in her way. He had already checked out, but stood there anyhow talking to the cashier. Sen stood as patiently as she could, the milk jug freezing her hand and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Just as her hand was about to fall of the fat man left and Sen checked out. She stood for a moment or two after she paid, hoping the man would give her a bag to carry her milk home in. The man stared at her, as if nobody had ever wanted something bagged before. Feeling uncomfortable, Sen pocketed her candy and left with the freezing cold milk in hand. She refused her recipt politely trusting firmly in the kindness of men.
Sen dragged her feet home, her hand freezing, and her mind still boggled by unreasonable prices. She immediatly went to the fridge and put away the milk, then noticed her hand felt strage. She assumed it was from having her hand nearly frozen off (twice) and went to get a cup ready for her warm, delicious treat. Then she noticed the index finger on her right hand would not close completely. She looked at it, and noticed it had swelled to twice it's normal size! Sen went to her mini fridge and stared at the milk bottle, which was spinkled with a strange white powder. Whether it was rat poison or anthrax Sen had no idea. She was also unable to sue or make the store take responsibility becase she had refused her recipt. She had no proof of purchase.
Sen never did drink hot chocolate that night. Though the swelling did go down, and the milk proved drinkable.