At least, not any more than you would get from having looked at IMDB months ago.
Yes, I know it has an actual sequel-y title.
Anyway, impressions:
First, this film is the gayest gay that has ever gayed on the American Silver Screen since Brokeback Mountain.
Secong: yes, despite my griping about how it's Americanized with explosions and far more faffing about plan-less than required, it was quite brilliant.
Gypsy music. I love gypsy music! Why isn't there more mad violin music about in the world! This stuff is precious! What a lovely beat.
Accents, as always. The hint of French in the English, the hint of English in the French, not overdone, just enough to give the impression, oh, you beautiful things.
One-word ACD references, how cute.
Is that a Heath Ledger homage I spy?
Oh Mycroft, you utter troll!
Oh Sherlock, you troll too.
Oh Watson, your beautiful faces.
Oh Mary, there's that feisty Mary from the books I wanted!
Oh Moriarty, you are EVER so good at that, you magical mystical bastard.
Last but not least:
Oh Moran. Moran, Moran, Moran. I don't even know what to say. You are a beast. Feel free to come kill me any day. I mean it.
And once again, just because it needs reiteration: Gayest gay that has ever gayed since an actual gay movie. (Although I guess this IS a gay movie if you ask the right actor, so, maybe not the point. Still.)
What I really wish I had, at this very moment, is that icon of Mycroft going "Oh for god's sake, how do you people know everything I like," because that is really REALLY how I feel.
You know how else I feel?
"Are you happy?"
The answer is 'yes.' We all know it.
Now the fun bit is reading this AFTER you've seen it, and everything comes clear. Maybe. :d