Jan 16, 2006 14:12
I hate figuring out when to take a shower on a day off like today. I wake up and im like, well, I've got the day off, why take a shower now, I can do stuff on my computer or watch tv or sleep or participate in any number of other awesome activities! So I don't. Then like 2:00 rolls around and I'm still playing on my computer (that's right now by the way), and I can feel the imenence of the shower sneaking up on me. Yes I feel dirty, yes I stink, but to get up and go take a shower means that I have to put my 'chris time' on hold. boo. boo for showers, hooray for procrastination. Its like frieking homework. I'd rather be dirty/homeless, but not really. I guess eventually you have to give in though... I'm gonna go hop in the shower, but with all of the recluctance I can muster (which is just about enough to make a lj entry about it). the end.