Jul 10, 2007 19:27
Yay for another update.
Okay, am I the ONLY one looking forward to the new Harry Potter move?!?! I am so psyched, but Hanni, Strungy and Uber keep making fun of me for it. I am NOT being childish just because I like Harry Potter. I mean, c'mon, Thomas saw TRANSFORMERS. No one gave him crap about being a kid. I think they just like to get me worked up.
Anyway, I got my report card. I actually did well. I didn't fail my chem final. I got a C+. Not as bad as I thought. I did pretty well on everything else. I thought I had gotten an A on my functions final, but I only got a B+. Dunno what happened there. I knew how to do every single problem, so i guess i goofed up in certain areas.
Hahah, Strungy is really funny when he's drunk. It's actually kind of adorable.
The impossible quiz is driving me crazy.
DAN FACE!!!!!!!!!!