Jul 22, 2003 17:21
Why must so many people mistake senior macho as the triumphful man of justice and peace? Macho saw a shirt the other day, yes, with me on it claiming that I defeated the Hulk inorder to smash Capitalism. Oh, poor fat child with his sugar tits and chocolate yum yum bar, have you not learned that it is you who shall be defeated inorder for Senior Macho to look manly, for what better contrast is there to small child wearing yu gi oh shirt compaired to a herculian phycique of the mighty gods of Luchadoris? For you see, I fight on the side of whoever has the biggest bicepts, not for who is the softest and most flabbyness who'd rather eat their lard bars and watch t.v. instead of ripping off their grandmother's face and spikeing it into a vat of wild hungery pigs, or perhaps rosie O donald. Which brings me to my next point, at any time in your life have you ever taken time to watch Rosie O Donald and that horendious show? no, no I did not think so, so I shall take a pole of who thinks I should punch a hole through Rosie O Donalds head?