(no subject)

Mar 02, 2004 08:04

Woot. School library, five minutes before school, just finished German homework. Must not waste this precious time! Must update livejournal! My nose itches.

Ciervo's right. Our generation really IS obsessed with relaying minutia. Some do it with cell phones...I do it with livejournal.

Regardless, it was a good Majumdar day, yesterday. They're almost always in my group for Environmental Science, and yesterday Sanjit just looks at me and says, "You know, I bet you're wondering why we're always in your group, and you get stuck doing all the work. Well you see, it's because we add a certain...pinazz...to the presentation. We don't do any work, but instead of saying 'contaminated water', now we're going to say 'contaaaaaminated waaaaater' *wiggles fingers*. Without that, you'd have nothing.". Then they agreed to show me their Rody and Dan commercials, which Jen and Dana watched with me. I think we can all agree that they were rather comical.

We eat our biscuits today. I have a feeling mine are going to be dry, and tough. Damn me. Hey, the bell still hasn't rung. Maybe I should...go see Mister Weinstock, or something. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah. I'm gonna go sit in Dana's homeroom instead, how bout that?

"Might as well have fun, cos your happiness is done, and your goose is cooked" --Outkast
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