last night i swam with the sea serpents, felt their head under my feet, the way their scales felt gliding against my toes, beautiful! the water was cold and i could communicate with the serpents telepathically - much reverence must be used when swimming with sea serpents
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I and a group of people were on a trip to Europe. We were staying at a kinda run-down hotel near a body of water.
I remember stepping out onto our hotel room balcony, and being filled with excitement at being in Europe, and excitement that I was about to fly. However, my excitement was muted by the necessity of my first task- memorize my location!
I flew up into the air a short ways, then turned around and looked back at my hotel room, memorizing which balcony was mine. Then I flew higher, memorizing the immediate landmarks surrounding the hotel, and higher still, until I was miles high, memorizing the coastline and surrounding geography. A part of me was wishing for a map, or better yet, a cellphone with GPS, but I had to do without.
Then I flew back down and started swooping about the countryside! I remember fields and train-tracks.
I was reluctant to fly near the ocean, because in the back of my mind I knew there was a war being fought between the aquatic demon forces of Cthulhu and the gigantic robot-driving characters from Neon Genesis Evangelion, but that was just an incidental detail.
that's amazing that you got to fly over europe though, so wonderful! in dreamland, no gps is needed!
Not the other night, though. That was full-bore, immune-to-wind-chill, high speed, effortless flying!
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