Aug 01, 2006 10:51
Yes yes you read correctly.
I now work at Oporto in QV. Nothing that special really but at least these people won't fuck me over like the stupid Lord of the Fries peoples. I'm still doing training and will be for the next two weeks. After that i'm gonna be transfered across the street to Melbourne Central. Because people with chicken cravings are apparently too lazy to cross a road and need one on both sides of the street. Pfft...
Unfortunately i have to wear a cap. I hate caps sooooo much. The uniforms not quite as cool as my last one but the conditions are better and its inside so i wont have to freeze my ass off on cold days. So..moneys soon, and i get paid weekly. Yahay!
So, whats been happening lately.
- Saw Marky mark on Temptation the other day, he didn't win....awwww.
- Feeling unusualy happy lately considering my doom of a workload
- i have the shittest memory cos i can't think of anything else to say has happened. What a dull life indeed
Had my 20th Birthday on Monday. PRESSIES!
* Clothes - green hoodie jumper thingo, blue and red spotty top, black coat, cool as shit black and white spotty dress, black and white spotty top which all equals A LOT OF SPOTS! :P
* iRiver - 20GB and colour screen for pics! :)
* Cooly button earrings
* 1GB USB for tafe
Well i'm off to do some tranny scanning. Hmmm that sounds odd. Transparency not transvestites that is. :P
Ta ta