Apr 12, 2005 11:24
went to see mirror theory sunday. apparently shyt hit the fan, or the floor or a drum. i dunno.
i tried really hard to get amy tickets to go see my boss. well he's not really my boss but he can thunder my road anytime. i don't know what i'm talking about but i do know i failed with the ticket thing. even after it was apparent i wasn't getting them i still tried for like 30 minutes just in case. that shyt must have sold out in like 30 seconds.
went to see tori amos last night. kick ass show. she did a tori's piano bar section where she did some covers. one was streets of philadelphia by the boss. lots of well dressed men and women without makeup. my buddy made a funny. he said, "i might not be the only male he but i might be the only man." so true.
the parking garage was fun, it had musical intruments as landmarks. with parked in the (rusty) trombone section. headin on down to the timpani section, passed the piano section which i would have liekd to park at considering we were there to see tori. blah blah blah, couple other instuments and finished in my favorite section. the flute. i've been playing the flute for years. ever since 7th grade. so that's what....32 years ago.
2nite i'm prolly gonna go check out omegalord over at the troc. they're opening up for overkill.
i have nothing interesting to say or report. just need to start writing.
"Swiss cheese is the only cheese you can draw and people can identify... It's the only cheese you can bite, and miss.... 'Hey Mitch -- does that sandwich have cheese on it?' 'Every now and then!' "