Title: Missing Piece
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Matsumiya, Juntoshi (one-sided), Sakuraiba, JunxToma (one-sided)
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Genre: AU, Romance, Smut, Angst (?)
Summary: Jun is a college student and something happen when his relationship with his friend Nino changes. (Sorry i'm really bad at this)
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, only the plot.
A/N: This is my first time writing and sharing a fic so i'm a little nervous. English is not my first language so i am really sorry for any mistakes. And thanks to my bestfriends for helping me through this fic. I hope you like it!
Chapter 1
Jun’s POV:
“Hey Jun, what are you doing here?”
I turned around to see two of my friends walking towards me.
“I was just taking a break from my studies and i always liked to come here and enjoy the view. What about you guys?”
“We just decided to take a walk and chat a for a bit.” I frowned at that. I just couldn’t believe that Nino let Ohno drag him outside to just take a walk. “We were going to that café over there. Come with us.” Nino looked at Ohno with disbelief but when noticed that I was looking at him forced a smile and looked away. I sighed and followed them.
What is wrong with him lately? Seems like is avoiding me.
“Jun?” Ohno was looking at me with a serious face.
“Sorry, what?”
“I was asking you if you want anything.”
“Ahh, sorry.” I took the menu from the café and after we ordered a awkward silence fell between us.
“Excuse me, i have to go the bathroom.” Ohno looked at Nino and me and left.
Nino frowned and looked at me.
“So, how have you been? Seems like we haven’t talked in ages.” I asked.
“I’m good. Studies take a lot of my time. I barely have time to play DS anymore.” Nino looked really sad while saying that and I laughed. Nino through a glance at me and smiled. The awkwardness was finally over.
When Ohno got back from the bathroom we were talking non-stop and almost didn’t noticed that Ohno was back at the table. We chatted for about an hour and a half when I got up and said that it was time to go home. We bid goodbye and when I looked back I saw Ohno and Nino talking and smiling while walking really close to each other. I looked away with slight pain in my chest.
It had been almost an entire week when Ohno called me to hang out at the park. Masaki, Sho and Nino would also be there. I felt nervous, it had been a while since we were all together.
When I arrived I saw Masaki playing with a dog being walked by an old lady and Sho leaned against a tree reading a newspaper. I smiled at that. I missed them so much. I felt a touch on my shoulder and when I turned around I faced Ohno with a smiled on his face. He seemed like he understood what I was thinking so we both stayed there watching our friends being themselves.
It was then that Nino arrived. Masaki saw us standing there, waved and called us. We started talking about what we have been doing lately while sitting in the grass.
“It’s been so long since we were together like this. We have to this more often. I missed you guys.” Masaki said and moved a little towards Sho. “It’s true. We should hang out more.” Sho said. Nino was the first to answer that “I have a new game at home and i really want to try it but i wouldn’t mind having some company”. We all smiled at that and nodded. Masaki got up and stared at us. “So, are you going or…?”. Nino laughed at that and stood up “Sure, let’s go!”
After they arrived at Nino’s place Jun started to wonder how long has been since the last time he was there. Nothing has change. Not even the smirk in Nino’s face since he was a little kid. They all settled in the couch and stared at Nino already immersed in his game. For a while the only thing that could be heard was Nino’s cursing at his game.
“Jun-kun” Jun blushed at hearing his voice so close and someone didn’t miss that detail. “I heard you were going to try to enter the drama club at the university. Is it true? I think you would do great.”
Jun smiled “Thank you, Ohno-kun. I don’t know if i’m any good but i would like to try.”
“That is great. And when you have your first play don’t forget to tell us because we will be there. Right?” Everyone nodded as a response to Aiba and Jun smiled. Nino, who just had turned off his console, went to sit in the couch where Jun and Ohno were. He sit at the edge and pulled his legs over Ohno’s lap, who didn’t seem to give must attention to that. Jun didn’t miss Nino’s smirk when he looked at such familiarity between those two. Did i miss something? He tried to ignore that and resumed his talk with Aiba. As time passed they all started to feel tired so Sho suggested that they should go back home because it was already late.
“I’m walking Masaki home so we see you guys later.” We watched our friends walk away and when I turned around I saw Nino standing there by Ohno’s side.
“What are you doing here, Nino?” Jun asked when he realized that Nino was walking with them. “It’s not like i should give you any explanation but i need to go buy some things.” Nino smirked when he got close to Ohno and linked their arms together. Ohno sighed but said nothing. Jun was left dumbfounded. What the hell is going on? And what is that creepy smile he’s giving me? Jun started to feel jealousy because of that closeness between them. He could never do that. Jun was so focused in getting his feelings straight that he almost missed when Ohno bid goodbye to both of them and started heading home. Jun looked at Nino who looked back at him. When Jun raised an eyebrow at Nino he just laughed and started walking again. What was that look in his eyes? Something is wrong. Ah, maybe is just my imagination. I mean, he’s Nino. When they arrived at the shopping mall entrance they separated, Nino getting inside and Jun continue walking toward his house. After 10 minutes he was already opening his bedroom door and laying down in his bed. He couldn’t forget the way Nino clinged on Ohno and the way that Ohno didn’t really mind about that. Ahh, i’m thinking too much. I’m sure it is just Nino being Nino.
And with that thought in his mind he let himself drown in dreamland.