Feb 09, 2020 16:13

F R I E N D S // O N L Y
A few things to keep in mind before, during, and after friending me...

1. Do not add me without telling me via commenting on this post. I hate that.

2. I don't like arrogant and/or narrow-minded people. If you fall under either of those two categories, please save your self (and myself) the trouble and partez maintenant, s'il vous plaît.

3. DO. NOT. SPAM. ME! Trust me; you'll wish you hadn't.

4. Lastly, if I friend you, try not to be offended if I don't always comment on your journal entries. I lead somewhat of a life as I'm sure you do, too. I stay on top of my friend's journals (moreso than I do my own), so rest assured - ten to one, I am reading your entries.

C'est tout. ♥
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