Nov 18, 2005 22:31
SugarNSpice4902 [10:22 PM]: and then.. today was not my day.. haha, becuz seth spilled water aaalll over me.. lol
SugarNSpice4902 [10:22 PM]: and the most embarassing thing of my life happened.. haha.. i wanted to cry
Kay11289 [10:22 PM]: what happened!? hah
SugarNSpice4902 [10:23 PM]: haha.. i was waiting for shane at his locker.. and he threw his book bag down.. and like my foot got all tangled in it.. and i like jumped up.. like to get my foot out and he picked it up at the same time.. b/c he didnt know
SugarNSpice4902 [10:23 PM]: and i fell .. like flat on my face.. in front of evvverrryyonee!!
Kay11289 [10:23 PM]: OmG!! Hahahaha... lmao!!
SugarNSpice4902 [10:24 PM]: like Andrea and Eric were standing there laughing, all these people that i didnt even know were laughing.. i swear it was the most embarassing thing that has EVERR !! i mean EVEERR happened.. haha
Kay11289 [10:24 PM]: omg! hahaha i can just imagine that happening..and weirdishly enough, thats kinda cute! lmao!
SugarNSpice4902 [10:24 PM]: and shane was like helping me up and he was like omg!! I am soooo soorryY!! haha and he like kissed my forehead..and i like wanted to cry.. haha i was so embarassed.. and i hurt my poor lil knee! haha
SugarNSpice4902 [10:24 PM]: lol.. omg how is that cute?! lol
Kay11289 [10:25 PM]: hahahha! cuz i knew hed help you up afterwards =) haha.. and i swear, even when the goofiest things happen to people, when its w/ a cute couple like u2.. i swear, u can make that cute! haha.. idk how!- but ya cann!!
Kay11289 [10:26 PM]: like that will just make good memories and you know ull look back on it one day with him and just craaack up.. haha
SugarNSpice4902 [10:27 PM]: haha.. omg.. i couldnt believe he wasnt laughing.
SugarNSpice4902 [10:28 PM]: if that would have been him, and i knew he was okay, i'm sorry, but i would have just landed on him.. and just laughed.. haha
Kay11289 [10:29 PM]: HAHAHAHa.. yeah me too.. like if i knew he wouldnt of been seiriously hurt i would \have laughed my assss off!
SugarNSpice4902 [10:29 PM]: yeah. saammme here! lol
SugarNSpice4902 [10:29 PM]: he probly laughed like soo hard as soon as i got outta site.. haha.. i was so embarrasedd.. you dont even knooww!