(no subject)

Aug 11, 2011 18:33

NOT FINAL APP. final app is elsewhere hurdur.

musing on church is in comments.

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Chii
OOC Journal: lewdness
Under 18? newp
Email/IM: bubbled.teas@gmail.com, chii is a pedo
Characters Played at Singularity: York, Carter.

Character Information ;
Name: Dr. Leonard Church
Name of Canon: Red vs Blue
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Canon.
Reference: HERE, also, hey, have some delicious script goodness
Canon Point:

Church will be taken from just after the last letter that he receives, in Episode 19, where he is informed by the Chairman that after their letters back and forth, he’ll be placed under arrest, as the Chairman is in fact pressing charges. Essentially, he’ll be waiting for the Chairman’s men to take him in, presumably having straightened things on his end, but obviously won’t make it to being taken into custody.


Halo/RVB is an extension of the question “what’s really out there?” Years in the future, humans and alien races do end up meeting and the result of this is the start of a war that nearly eliminates the human’s presence in the galaxy. Faced with destruction, different groups of people started different programs to try and combat the fact that without some way to fight back against the Covenant, they would all surely die. In RVB, Leonard Church is given the ability to have free reign over his own project, labeled Project Freelancer. The problem with giving someone free reign over their own project, is that sometimes corners are cut and some of the results aren’t exactly as planned. Only granted the use of a single AI, Church systematically tortured it until it fragmented itself to save itself, and then these fragments were placed in the heads of the Freelancers, one by one.

As a whole, the experiment was largely a failure. People went insane, were unable to function, all sorts of horrible things. One pairing that did not fail, however, was York and Delta. The two of them were extremely lucky, all things considered, and were able to function together extremely well, until an incident with Omega and Texas results in his eye being damaged in some way. Delta and York end up leaving Freelancer and its whole mess behind, until years later Texas finds them once more, this time without Omega, to ask for their help. Church and his merry band get super passive aggressive letters from the Chairman, which ultimately results in him having charges pressed against him, due to all the horrible shit he did to the Alpha.

However, since AI are a very important part of the Director’s life/setting section, it’s worthwhile to note some things about these AI.

Halo AI are extremely difficult to create. Halsey’s attempt at creating Cortana was not simple-- it’s noted that it took multiple attempts of flash-cloning a mind to be able to get a viable brain to use, in order to make an AI from it. The Wiki/books say the process of creating an AI is called “Cognitive Impression Modeling” and in doing so, it destroys the original brain tissue, so you can only use a flash clone (which die anyway after a short amount of time) or recently tissue of someone who died not long ago.

Halsey was another person who was working on the so-called "magic bullet" in order to save humanity during the war. She chose a different route-- just as immoral, if in different ways, arguably. Kidnapping children, medical procedures which left some of them disfigured, dead, or worse, but ultimately providing the USNC/ONI with what it needed-- defense for mankind. Church's aspirations were much the same.

BASICALLY, the way that Church had Alpha created was likely the same way Halsey did. It’s extremely inconvenient to do, really, due to the amount of flashclones it takes, presumably this is why the Director was only granted one. It doesn’t really specify exactly why he was given one, so it’s most likely that, or the fact that he didn’t quite rate highly enough to get multiples/it wasn’t seen as necessary given the situation.

Regardless, he did, in fact get one. This wasn’t enough, however, and so through his ‘research’ and different projects, he was able to split the AI into multiple fragments, paving the way for new morality protocols to be written for dealing with AI, as the Chairman states in one of his last letters.


I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.

Leonard Church, at first glance, is nothing more than one of the main antagonists of the series RVB. While Maine/Meta might be the more active and visible of the antagonists, Church is far more behind the scenes and subtle in what he does.

The entirety of RVB is essentially due to him, as he’s the Director of the whole program. The vast majority of Church’s personality is revealed in the letters that he writes back and forth to the Chairman during S6, where the Chairman is doing an investigation of him.

From the start, his tone is blatantly dismissive, as if the Chairman’s investigation of his program is a waste of time. He even goes so far as to state that, “ask that you not waste my time with irrelevant questions.” Regardless of how badly things have gone in the past, and prior failures (examples being Wash/Epsilon, Carolina/the twins) he’s still very sure of himself when faced with all of this, most likely due to all the failsafes he’s got in place to deal with things. Church is a smart enough man to have contingency plans for most anything, and the initial start of the letters between himself and the Chairman seem to indicate that he’s got far more pressing matters to attend to than the idea that the Chairman wants to check up on things.

The Director also refers to people in a brisk, almost distant manner, at one point referring to a dead/dying agent/their armor/the AI as “military property.” There’s no doubt that he’s concerned about certain events-- certainly the Meta rampaging all over, and everything else going on provide a reason for worry, but the Freelancer program and everything that exists within it, are not things that he seems to care about in an affectionate matter. It’s strictly business, as shown with his initial torture of the Alpha, and the subsequent implantation of AI into Wash and Carolina, continuing with the project all the way until Wash’s meltdown.

There’s also a notable disdain for the Chairman and his investigation. “And no committee, no bureaucrat, will ever convince me otherwise.” and “I imagine this investigation of our program is providing you with the kind of attention that politicians crave so much.” From these quotes we can glean the fact that he has low regard for the investigation or for the person doing it, regarding this as a purely political matter, mostly for attention. His dislike for the political side of things may be a matter of the red tape that comes with it-- constantly being watched, constantly being forced to be politically correct, and follow the rules to a t, when really, just the opposite is/was exactly what Church needed to put Freelancer into action.

Church notes that he would have gladly served in the Great War, had he been given the chance. Currently, there’s no real explanation past that-- headcanon/drawing a bit from canon says that it could be due to terribly poor eyesight, corrected to a point, but not enough to be accepted for active duty in the military, or it may be because the military saw his brilliance and pushed him more toward the scientific side of things. It’s all unsaid, and I’ll be glossing over it until S9 fully ends, so I don’t have to retcon the crap out of him. Regardless, it’s not too far of a bet to assume that with this and his previous quote, he much prefers handling things himself, rather than the more political side of things.

He does said handling from a distance, however, as evidenced by his setting Maine/Meta and Washington upon each other once Wash’s “usefulness” runs out. He (and the Counselor) both rely on manipulation, on using what others want in order to make them move in ways that suit them best. They know the men and women who serve under them better than anyone else, which is why they can provide the hooks, or the bait-- like the Alpha for Meta, in order to keep a hold on them.

Another thing to note is that he is not above favoritism. Others had stated that he did in fact play favorites with the Agents-- Texas in particular, most likely because of her being a recreation of Allison, of sorts. Allison's worth to him-- her existence is really the cause for all of RVB's events, when it comes to Church. He specifies that she was someone very important to him, in his letters to the Chairman, and really, it's the loss of her that really drives him to do everything, essentially. He wasn't allowed to serve-- couldn't save her, and so this is his driving force right now.

However, the whole ranking system was devised so that the Agents would be on top of each other, fighting each other just as much as the ‘enemy.’ It’s a tactic that rulers in the past have used to stay in control-- keep those below you fighting so that you’re secure, and, for the most part it seemed to work. Not perfectly, but it gave them something to bicker about, something to strive for, and kept the best getting better, which was exactly what he needed in the search for that “magic bullet.”

Perhaps the most notable trait about the Director is the fact that he really, truly seems to believe that he’s doing the right thing. Yes, he’s tortured a copy of his mind so badly that it would split into fragments, and he didn’t stop at just one either. No, he continued, and placed these fragments into the minds of men and women who didn’t know any better. It’s unknown whether or not he tested these fragments in any way-- as a scientist, we’re led to assume that he would have, but we don’t know for sure. Considering his disregard for morals at this point, though, it may be safe to assume that all of these options were labeled “acceptable risks.”

He is, in his mind, doing this for humanity. He’s got the funding and the sanction of the UNSC, along with an AI. What he does with this AI, is justified due to their being at war. What he does with a copy of his own mind is something that is entirely up to him, in order to provide a way to ensure the survival of humanity. Halsey shows similar beliefs, as well, in the kidnapping of children, swapping them out with flashclones which would later die. Essentially, he doesn’t seem to care that the Chairman of the Oversight Sub-Committee and presumably its members are all shocked and appalled at the things that he’s done while the UNSC was focusing their attention elsewhere. He says himself, that he values “all our subjects' well being” but humanity always, always comes first in his mind.

Many of the things that happened in the war were things that were, in the minds of those who did them (Halsey, Church) justified.

tl;dr how do I morals???

Abilities, Weaknesses, and Power Limitation Suggestions:

Church is undeniably brilliant. He doesn’t have any special powers, no abilities really-- he’s human through and through, and he’s a flawed human, on top of that. He is able to do a great deal with AI, and able to run a whole program-- with assistance, of course, but he had to have been smart and talented to get where he was, to get funding, to get an AI to work with (considering how much trouble they were) and to get so many men and women to follow him. One might even say he's charismatic, judging by how Wash talks about the program in S9.

For all his computer savvy skills, his degrees, and his experience, he notes in his letters to the Chairman that he was not able to serve. From this, it can be assumed that Church has some sort of medical issue that prevents him from being able to actively participate in the military.

Church is seen every time wearing glasses and it could in fact be prevented from serving because of that.

Based on the military disqualification list I’ll be assuming it’s something along the lines of what's outlined under "eyes" in that link. Since this is hella in the future, presumably it's something that they can't fix with just the normal medical background.

Church won’t have terribly much on him at this point in time. Since the Chairman’s men are on their way to pick him up, he knows that it’s useless to try and keep anything with him. He’ll have, at most, the clothes on his back, a handkerchief, a ring, a datapad/tacpad, made into a nice, expensive paperweight by the EMP (thanks, Wash), and his wallet.

Thus far, we haven’t seen the Director’s face full-on. From what we have seen, he’s around late 40s, maybe early 50s-- we see wrinkles on his hands, faintly, when he’s in the ship, and we see him from the side, at points, with black glasses, a black beard and what looks like faintly graying hair at his temples, in a few shots.

Presumably, he looks like a normal 40-50 year old, who dresses neatly every time he’s out, no matter what.

late 40s, early 50s.

OC/AU Justification ; n/a
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across? n/a
If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test? n/a
And What Did You Score? n/a

Samples ;
Log Sample:

Network and alternate network, as well as log example found here!


So, as people know, I already play York. Were I only apping Church, and had no Delta, I would...uh, not app him. However, at this point in time, I have an active Delta, along with someone else who is apping Church’s right hand man, the Counselor.

Right now, York’s at a point where he doesn’t...really want anything to do with all of this. He’s left behind Freelancer once, and had to sneak in again to get Delta fixed, but really, really doesn’t want to get mixed back up into all of this, and sure as hell doesn’t want Delta getting taken back to the Director. As it is, he’s going to avoid Church unless directly provoked, which, obviously won’t happen. Additionally, if the Counselor gets in, he will have a direct line to talk to- meaning, if anything needs to happen, instead of York/Church interacting, it would be York/Counselor, or even Delta and either of the two.

The very same with Church/Wash, instead of Counselor/Wash. Church will creep all up in Wash’s business, and he even has two to talk to, plus Epsilon and Delta. The reasons for playercest are like, next to none.

As far as any concerns about apping from a canon that’s ongoing-- this is a flashback season (presumably, unless Burnie decides to pull some shit, who knows.) Anything that might get revealed will only (lol hopefully /EYES BURNIE) just support what we have already seen in previous episodes of him. We know the basics, we know a great deal of his personality from what’s revealed, presumably anything in s9 will be support, rather than life-changing events that totally fuck up a character.

Tl;dr: Burnie, don’t be a cock and fuck things up.

